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Master White

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I'm not sure, but I know a friend of mine mokes and chews. He's trying to quit both, and all. I have been addicted to caffiene like the rest of americans, which is in chocolate, coffe, soda, almost everything nowadays.

So I started this idea of mine, to get rid of caffiene in my system and 100mg of caffiene stays in your body for 6 hrs. Its drinking a cup of coffe or cocoa a day. So, i want you to add up all the LEGAL drugs you do and post them and tell me if your going to quit.


I am, started yeserday and got a major headache from quiting caffiene. Thats the only drug I actually do.


What to Post:

What LEGAL drug:

How long:

Are you going to quit.

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Well, it gives you a boost. But when you quit, your body needs to rest becuase you put the caffiene into your body that which causes adrenaline rush, you see. So, after you decide to quit, you get a lot of multiple symptoms which will also last as long as you had caffiene in your body. So the side effect of caffiene to me is lazyness.


Also, caffiene affects people differently. It usually puts me to sleep.

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I'm addicted to nothing except videogames.


MW2 ;)


jabroni why can't we connect? I got much better and now I got 4 emergency airdrops and pavelows after the prestige' date=' legit.



It only happens with one of my other friends the only thing i can think of is the time


I got 2 triple kills in afghan today :)

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This girl. D:


But that's the most fun addiction of all!!!


I'm trying to quit my addiction to playing guitar. I'm obsessed with bettering myself as a musician, and I haven't put the thing down in weeks. I've been splitting my free time between my girlfriend, my friends, the internet, and the guitar. And the guitar is winning. I tab out songs on my school work. It's getting pretty bad.

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