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Another Card


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When a level 4 or higher Warrior-Type or Spellcaster-Type is summoned to the field, the summoned monster gains 500 ATK and DEF points for the remainder of the duel and this card gains 500 ATK and loses 500 DEF,this card costs 1500 life points to attack,if you cannot pay this card is destroyed and you get back how many life points you spent divided by 50.


rate him ^_^

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I think now it's better....the bold parts are those I fixed...

the others with [?] and the Italics are those I don't know how to to fixed..


When a Level 4 or higher Warrior or Spellcaster-Type monster is Summoned to the field, the Summoned monster gains 500 ATK and DEF for the remainder of the duel and this card gains 500 ATK and loses 500 DEF. [?]This card costs 1500 Life Points to attack,if you cannot pay, this card is destroyed and you get back the Life Points you lost of this card's effect [?]divided by 50.

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