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The Bushi returns and will keep returning [need help]


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Title says it all, it's Bushi Oppression:


Monsters: ( 19 )


3x The Immortal Bushi

3x Armageddon Knight

1x Necro Gardna

3x D.D. Warrior Lady

3x D.D. Assaillant

3x Don Zaloog

3x Marauding Captain (thinking about removing him)


Spells: ( 13 )


3x Fissure

3x Smashing Ground

1x Heavy Strom

1x MST

1x RotA

3x Solidarity

1x Card Destruction


Traps: ( 8 )


2x Dimensional Prison

2x Royal Oppression

1x Solemn Judgment

3x Dark Bribe


Side Deck: ( 6 )


3x Mirror of Oaths

3x Rivalry of Warlords


Deck choices:


Obvious choices except for the 3 Marauding Captains, thinking about removing them for either 3 Exiled Force or 3 XX-Saber Fullemknights or 2 Malicious and 1 Plague!! If i decide to play Synchros, then i will play Burden instead of Solidarity!! DAD will also be good in that case!!


Spells are also obvious choices, 3 Fissure and 3 Smashing rocks, max destruction allows me to play aggresive!!


Nothing to explain for traps!!


Side deck choices:


- Mirror of Oaths in case i face GB's!!

- Rivalry rocks especially against FlamvellCat which is played a lot!!




- Gadgets and variants: 5/8

- Blackwings: 1/3

- XX-Sabers: 2/3

- FlamvellCat: 2/5 (bad match-ups, won thanks to Rivalry)

- Six Samourais: 1/2


Total duels: 20

Victories: 11

Defeats: 9


I would like to have some propositions to make this deck better!!

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Neg Captain for Exiled Force/Field-Commander Rahz/Koa'ki Merius Bergzak

Neg a Bushi &/or Arma, I find that these don't need too many monsters.

Consider Starlight over Bribe, although fair enough to not use it because of Solid.

Why no Bottomless/Dustshoot/B-Con?

You might want to neg Fissures for some of those, an Assailant/Warrior Lady or two would be fine, too.

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