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Christian? No, I am not. I am kinda an atheist. Kinda is explained: I don't believe in God, but I go to the church with my school. I respect everyone with other ideas. I also find Demonology and Christianity are the most interesting ones because of their stories and rules.....that doesn't mean all other religions are bad.

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Self-Interpreting Christian.



I don't follow any specific sect. I examine all their views and form my own based on what is logical and what feels right and just.




I'm also currently interested in studying Greek Mythology and the practices of Wicca, though I don't think I'd ever follow either very heavily.

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Christain' date=' but I respect any other religion.



Atman, how can you be atheist and christian? conflicting statements...


It works.

There's quite a big movement of Christian atheists and agnostics out there, people who follow some aspects of Christianity but no god. Of course really tough Christians don't accept them since they don't stick with the "whole thing" -.- but that's how it works these days.


But I don't think Atman meant that, I think he means he's an Atheist but accepts other religions.

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