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Some Dragon Cards


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1st card looks overpowered and has errors. dragon spirit's pic is overused and underpowered. 3rd card is alright. dragon's curse is overpowered and has errors. morphing blue dragon is a bit overpowered. tomias's twin is alright i guess, although i dont see why u would tribute it. and there's already a two/twin-headed fire dragon. the effect is good though. 6/10 cuz ur new

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"tribute" should be "Tribute"

"special summon" should be "Special Summon"

"dragon" should be "Dragon-Type"

"graveyard" should be "Graveyard"

~You don't put a space before a comma, but after.

"Dragon Spirit" should be a level 4 or 3

You forgot a quotation mark on "Two-Headed Fire Dragon"

"Two-Headed Fire Dragon" should be FIRE not DARK.

You forgot a space on "Deep Hole"


Keep working on your OCG and you might do fine. Heres a tip:

1-300: Level 1

300-600: Level 2

600-1350: Level 3

1350-2000: Level 4

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