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Live regional report! Round 3 over

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So I decided to do regional reports again. I haven't done one in a while so I'm doing it as I duel.


I will post my deck after the event.


Round 1 vs gemini eatos


Game 1 he open with alius and 3 set. I open with smashing. He bribed. I than summoned alius of my own and attacked. He sparked. I sparked his last set. At this point I had the game locked I had cydra heavy honest and my body.


Game 2, I only drew 2 monsters, both were too weak.


Game 3 I heavy a 3 card set without bribe. Gg. I beat with cydra and alius.


Round 2 vs. Vayu sworn


Game 1 I had great field control. I misplayed the psz because I assumed he was just going to wall. He sacked for celest. I smashed it two turns later and summoned thunder king. He brain controled my tk. He then summons jd. I pay 8. He attacks my summoner and honest for game.


Game 2 I sided in trap holes and dd crow. I didn't expect to see a lot of ls so I didn't side heavily for it. Counted his graveyard and counted 1 ls so I set my body. I attacked into a set turn 3 with cydra and it was super nimble. (Rage!) I set the my body and a bluff gemini spark. He rykos my body and summons celest wulf and mills 2 names. Jd comes out, gg.


Only good part is that I lost to my friend who I helped build the deck. (He changed the side on me and caught me off surprise.)


Round 3 vs flamvelle cat


Game 1 we toss back and forward exchanging blows. I won with thunderking attacking sangan.


Game 2 I side in crossout. I hit the ryko, he was hurting. We again exchange blows with each other. He wins with a top deck rekindling, I never drew oppression. However I did chain hard with prime material dragon. I chained future samurai, he plays my body, I chain prime material, he than chains stardust, I chained prime again. I was forced to discard my only oppression in my hand. So I lost, but just barely.


Game 3 I open with dust shoot and bottomless. I dust shoot the spy because I dint have cross out. He then summons airbellum, bottomless. I summon gemini summoner knowing he has the dog in his hand. I hand honest. It was a risky move but I had honest smashing and fissure. I figure even if he book of moons I can attack and honest next turn with him having no s/t in hand. But he brains and synchs. I play smashing and set the honest. He takes the bait and attacks. Who wouldn't? Than I return honest with a summon cydra and a summon thunder king. I attacked with cydra he books, I attack with king and honest. he sets 1 and passes. I know its either force torrential or d prison so I attacked directly first. Then fliped the cyra. Spalsh goes my monsters. I draw nothing and loose.

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