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Star Recolors+Ghost Rare+Rainbow Border

Star Colors: Rainbow

Card: 267894h.jpg


Can you do all that on one card, I hope you can.


You had me, when I saw the star recolor thing, I'm wanting another, sorry for the huge order.


I will pay you 5 points if you can do all of that on one card, thanks.

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Items : Renders and Emoticons

Example (Please with code) :


[spoiler=Render 1]






[spoiler=Render 2]







[spoiler=Render 3]







[spoiler=Emoticon 1]






[spoiler=Emoticon 2]






[spoiler=Animated Emoticon 1]






[spoiler=Animated Emoticon 2]







All is free except for renders, one point.


Animated Emoticon Form:

Name of Orderer:

What color of body, eyes, teeth, emotion:

What type of animation, blinking eyes, moving mouth, wavy teeth:

If not listed, please explain and I will try to do so.


Non-Animated Emoticon Form:

Name of Orderer:

What color of body, eyes, teeth, emotion:

If not listed, please explain and I will try to do so.


Form for Render:

Name of Orderer:






Reason working here: Because Machop makes Awesome Rainbow cards and his shop is awesome.


Please note that my times vary big and I may or may not get to your order as fast as you would like, if thats alright with you Machop

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