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Kingdom Hearts REVERSED ( Advanced/Accepting/Started/Yay)


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"I'm not here for a fight, I just want answers!!!" Ruuki couldn't read any of the three surrounding characters, they seemed odd,malevolent and secretive, though tensions were still high Ruuki managed to put himself into a calm state,at least long enough to regain his composture. "I'm sick of dead ends, I ant answers now" before Ruuki even realised he had travelled several feet closer to his mysterious foe, though Ruuki wasnt looking for a fight, he expected one. To avoid at all suggesting he wanted a fight he simply stood facing his new foe in a relaxed position.

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((I know!! I know!! I know!! It's just that, my character is already established, and it wouldn't sound right if I kept using the same stuff over and over again!!!))

((Shoots self in the head for not trying hard))


"You don't need an cage, or anything to bribe anybody. All you need is what they want. Right now, everyone has something I want, but I can only choose one!" Akira stated in anger, while rushing towards Rhexsehic. But he stumbled from his fatigue, but quickly regained his posture. "He doesn't need me, but 'It.' Right now, I have 'It,' which is why I'm being used!!" He shouted, once again rushing Rhexsehic.

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OOC: Rhexsehic wouldn't knock him away. so I'm going to ignore that..


IC: Rhexsehic watches as Akira rushed towards him. "Silly child, I'm not going to fight you." He said stepping to the side avoiding the rush. Seeing as Akira was fatigued he would not be able to stop his direction quick enough to to turn around and attack. "Your hopeless kid. I have done nothing to you and you are attacking me. plus its not a bribe its an offer. I don't give a flying s*** about what you have. I don't want it. Stop acting so vain. Grow up. This is the big world." He then directed his attention to Ruuki. "If you think waving that weapon around and yelling demands is going to get you answers you are certainly wrong. I do not do well when people are impatient so if I were you I would chill out and put that away." Akira was now making his second rush at Rhexsehic. Sighing Rhexsehic turned towards Lomiinax. "You better deal with this ingrate before I lose my temper. His stupidity is starting to piss me off."

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"Shutup!!" Barked Akira. Rushing towards Rhexsehic, but once again, being evaded. In his frustion, his mind lost consciouses. But his body was still moving, trying to hit Rhexsehic. In his mind however, he came to an mysterious place, which he was all too familar with. "Seth..." He called out. "I need your strength..."

"Hehehehe......." Was the only response.


After a second or two went by, Akira finally regained his mind, and the feeling of Darkness that he experinced earlier in Twilight Town, was there again. But unlike last time, where his mind fully taken over by Seth. Akira was in complete controll.

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Guest TheFinalFan

((Man! I go away for 8 hours, and you two are at each other's throats!))


Lominax used Rhexsehic as a stand, finally getting up. "A pleasure to remake your acquaitance, my friends, but this is a dire situation we are in. We have several intruders on a higher level, and we need the shield system reactivated in order to expel them. On top of that, I need to modify the shields BEFORE they are reactivated to split Akira here into two entities, one of which will be MUCH nicer." Lominax coughed up a little bit more blood, but wiped it off of his chin. "Will you help me?"

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Rhexsehic nodded as Lominax asked for his assistance. "Of course I'll help your a fellow member. Plus there is a absolute ton of heartless up there. Just please keep this runt from trying to attack me, because I may kill him while he is valnurable if he keeps this up. Rhexsehic grinned. He jumped into the air and did a spin kick slaming his foot into the fatigued Akiras hand causing his blade to fly out of it. Rhexsehic then picked up Akira and threw him over his shoulder. "Lets get a move on the shall we?" Ignoring the recklessness that consumed Akira. He followed Lominax who would most likely have begun leading the way. "If you want answers Ruuki go up a couple floors they will be happy to give them to you."

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*huff* *huff* Knowing his body was in no condition to fight, and even with the power of Seth, his body could not handle much more, and just callosped after being disarmed by Rhexsehic, Akira tried to struggle free, but utimately gave up. Where his only thoughts were being decided between this. Help out the newly formed Oranization XIII with reactivating the shield, and cease to exist. Or try to run away, and face uncertainities. However anyone would look at it. He was stuck between an rock, and an hard place.

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Guest Merciful Idiot

Xemanon watched as events unfolded inside his little bucket of water, which showed events that happened. "Interesting," He said in his low voice, "I'll watch how this continues before interfering. Shall Itachi and the others tear apart Castle Oblivion or shall Lominax succeed in protecting it?"

Itachi's right eye went blind, leaving him with only his Tsukuyomi. Without Susanoo or Amaterasu, there was no way to distiniquish fake doors. He changed his left eye to a normal Sharingan, which can at least detect hidden traps. "How big is this castle.......?" He muttered. He was almost on the 13th floor. And so he kept running.

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"*Sigh*" Was the only thing going through Diego's mind right now, being lost in Hollow Bastion. And despite the very warm tempature outside, he was wearing an heavy black jacket with his face hidden in it, with black sweat pants. "Radient Garden..." was his response. After being in an strage in town, where he was cultured shock by everything. Lightbulbs, TVs, Radioes. Everything that an resisdent of Radient Garden called normal, was all alien to Diego, who was only use to things like Spheres for TV, or Fireflies for Lightbulbs. But he adjusted well, and fast. Already being use to an flashlight, Diego was atoushnished by everything. Especially the Defense System. But he face something he was used to. The wilderness. Which surrounded Radient Garden, and the place where he felt most at home.


After getting back at his campsite, Diego took off his jackest, revealing his long white hair, and somewhat muscler body.


OoC: This is an new character that's been approved by Merciful Idiot, and I thank you for aprroving.

[spoiler=Character Bio]

Username: Frybread002

Name: Diego Takeda

Age: 15


World: Originally Inu, but was run over by Heartless. Currently in Hollow Bastion (Radient Garden).





Weapon: Although he carries two weapons. A type of Keyblade that shaped like a Staff, which can seperate, and become two Keyblades, and an 5ft Staff that can also separate. There actually part of the same weapon.


Bio:He was once good friends with Akira Runner, and Hi'hime Kazama back on his home world, but he purposely cut their friendship to an end because he was select as an host by an darkness so great, that he was afriad that he may hurt them. But to Akira, he seen it as betrayal and vowed to kill him, and Hi'hime, she was so heart-broken that she fell into an coma. His home world Inu, was so ravaged by War, and Suffering, that it eventually fell to Darkness. When he awoke, he found himself in front of an ruined castle, which he learned to be Hollow Bastion. Although he didn't know what was going on, he awoke to have an Key shaped weapon in hand, and was still possessed by the darkness inside him. But he vowed to find his friends (if they're still alive), and rid the darkness that's inside him, known as Anubus.



Other: A Manipulater of mankind's greatest ally, Fire, and the very thing that ages us, Time. With the use of a tool known only to him, the Kyocen.


Here's an link to the site where you can find thr original drawing.


Diego Takeda +Older Version+



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Leon thinks about it for a second, then sighs. As much as he does not like it, he must. He walks over to Serah. "Fine. I'll help you and your sister. Seeing the enemy suffer like this reminds me of my past. So I'll help under 1 condition: Your master and I need to finish our match. Deal?" He holds out his hand to Serah.

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ooc: I'll edit/delete this later but I'm thinking we should have some sort of guide/key to what is on each floor and methods of transport to each floor (stairs,elevator etc) this would give the roleplay more direction and help to develop the story. This is just a suggestion, so please no harsh comments

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OOC: I'm afraid I'm going to have to quit this RP. I have just comeback to this Rp after two days to find that three and a half pages have appeared. It is obvious to me you all live in somewhere in a time zone similar to that of most of the USA and, since I'm British, I am atleast five hours behind you, meaning I cant post because of noone being able to reply. I am sorry.

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Guest TheFinalFan

"Where do you think YOU'RE going?"

A giant wall slammed down in front of Itachi. Another wall slamemd down behind him, leaving him trapped in a room on the 12th floor.

"You little attack has managed to remove my Logic Limiter, allowing me complete freedom to do what I want! I wish to thank you, and offer you my services. I have managed to trap the Seraphs on Floor 7, and have devised a little over 2,000 possible scenarios for eliminating them, each with an average of 65% chance of success. But I do not intend to allow you access to Floors 13 or 14. Using human terms, I do not think I can trust you just yet to allow you access to Castle Oblivion's bridge."


Serah accepted the deal, and pulled him up. "Now we need to get going. The system has probably already figured out that you know this world isn't real, as well as the fact that I am not supposed to be in here, and will most likely be deploying countermeasures. If any of your so-called 'friends' atatck you, do not hesitate to strike them down. Any memories you have of them are most likely implanted into your head to make you feel like you know them. They are constructs, nothing more, nothing less." She looked out of the window to see the "friends" she just mentioned walking up to Leon's house. "And one more thing: Serah is my old human name. I go by 'Xersha' nowadays."



Graxten pounded against a wall that had suddenly dropped down from the cieling, trapping the Seraphs in a relatively tiny room on the 7th floor.

"Computer, override floor locks!" Graxten roared, but silence rang through the room. Graxten continued to try to break through while the other 4 Seraphs relaxed and tried to remain calm.

"Hopefully Milord will know that we are trapped..." Shialaxe tried to cheer up the others, only to hear silence as well.

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Heading back to the shoping district of Radient Garden, to pick up a couple more items for his treck for his missing friends, Diego was curious about how the Defense System worked. Since all it really did was just sent an beam of light, destroying any threats to the town. Which happened to be mainly be Heartless. Creatures that Diego himself was already acustomed too. He was once even invited to become part of the Radient Garden Restorestion Comminty, but turned it down, for he had better more important things to do. Like getting used to the land, and the new enemies of Heartless.

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Guest Merciful Idiot

Itachi was confused by a bit. At first, he looked around a bit, trying to find the person who was talking to him. But then he became aware it was around him, and he knew he wouldn't be able to get out. "And is there anything I can do to earn your trust?" He asked. He was aware that whatever was talking to him wasn't human. But he didn't really understand much of what it said. "Be you free will or not, Surely there is a way to earn your trust?"

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Guest TheFinalFan

"What, were you just manufactured yesterday?!? I just told you that I have TONS of plans to defeat the Seraphs and rid myself of my former masters forever!!! I have an advanced medical bay filled with all sorts of gadgets and gizmos, some of which might be able to repair your eyes."

A door opened up for Itachi.

"I want you to go to the medical bay and destroy it. If you can prove that you don't need your eyes repaired, I will let you roam around the ship as you like. Do be warned that I have blocked off all but your immediate route to the medical wing, preventing you from doing anything but perform your appointed task. Is that clear?"

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Walking away from what appeared to be a computer room. Something Akira was never familer with, and probably never will. Tried one last attempt, not too escape, but to demonstrate. What was his worth beside being an 'Asset' as Rhexsehic would call it, was being carried off. "Hey Rhexsehic...." Akira muttered, but was still heard. "I think I got it....how a 'Keyblade' works..." Although the suddened subject was still confussing, but he contiuned on. "The kinfe that you kicked away, acts something like a 'Keyblade'.....only I can use it, and I can do some neat things with it...." As soon as he got done saying that, but in an exaushted voice, he then materialized his knife that been kicked away, Rekk-Maru, into his hand, then stabbed Rhexsehic in his back, but was not fatel, nor too deep. In pain, Rhexsehic droped Akira from his shoulder, with Rekki-Maru was still in his back, the two met eyes with each other, where Akira had a feeling of what was going to happened next...

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Rhexsehic saw out of the corner of his eye as the blade formed he threw Akira off of him avoiding the stab. "Kid, that was a mistake." Rhxsehic looked at Akira, "Attacking an opponent who is unaware is just cowardice. There is no pride in cowardice." Rhecsehic was now flushed with anger do to Akira's low attempt to injure him. A long blue-ish clear whip formed in one hand and a yellow whip appeared in the other hand. Rhexsehic spun in a three-sixty motion letting the whips extend around him. As he spun he stepped closer to Akira and stoped so suddenly. At the same time of him stopping he cracked the blue whip down slamming across Akira's face. If Akira had not avoided the mark would turn into frostbite, causing a small round black dot to appear on his cheek. Not even a second after he whipped towards him he then flicked his other wrist, the left one, holding the yellow whip. This caused it to slam upwards if no avoided it would slam Akira in the jaw causing him facial paralysis. "Your lucky I'm holding back, these whips are not being used at full potential."

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Guest TheFinalFan

Lominax got in between the two combatants. "Both of you, stop! Honestly, you two are acting like children! You can resolve your petty differences in the practice arena, but right now, we have more pressing issues to deal with. the Castle's computer has trapped my Seraphs in part of Floor 7, and while she can't get to us here, she has control over the room she is stored in. We need to act NOW!!!"


On he other side of the door stood Lominax. "Good to see you again, Leon. Do you know how long it's been since we fought? Do you know how long you have been in that simulation?"

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Guest Merciful Idiot

"Even if my eyesight is restored, the Mangekyou Sharingan will be dormant forever, meaning there will be no point in restoring my eyesight. And I care little about these Seraphs." Itachi said before walking through the door. He began walking forward, with both eyes closed. He summoned his Keyblade, and gripped it.

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Guest Merciful Idiot

Itachi arrived at the medical bay. He looked around with his left eye, it was very different from the one back at his own world, but that was only natural. In blinding speed, he raced across the room, destroying everything with his Keyblade. Once everything was wrecked, and when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING, the walls, the floor, every single tiny machine, liqud, glass, and everything else, he turned back and waited for that thing which talked to him, but he talked first, not knowing if that thing could hear him.

"Have I earned your trust yet?" He asked.

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Ruuki seemed in a daze, the previous events had left him stunned and confused, Nobodies? the good and evil? Akira? Chase? Rhexsehic... he was the one who revealed the most, but also the one who caused the most confusion. Ruuki shook himself out of his confusion and began walking, he summoned his keyblade, not knowing what to expect in the castle."Rhexsehic?!!!!" "Akira!" shouted Ruuki, yet no one replied, "2 more floors!? how do I get there?!" "Diego!" shouted Ruuki, he froze and found an immensly odd feeling, it sent shivers down his spine whilst giving him a shock. "Who is he?...Diego..." Ruuki quickly dismissed the entire thing as a name coming up in earlier conversations. Ruuki eventually found a set of stairs, with no idea where it was leading to, he once again called "Rhexsehic!"

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Guest TheFinalFan

"You foolish fool! Are you blind enough to notice that Xersha is still alive?!?"

Xersha, now in Battle Form, stood in front of Itachi. "I'm sorry, but your little flames don't work on me." She replied, brushing off Ameratasu.


Lominax looked over to a portal to Castle Oblivion. "You have been in that simulation for 5 years. FIVE! LONG!! YEARS!!! Five years that I have spent not only searching for you, but trying to prevent what is currently happening in Castle Oblivion from occuring, which is why I am sending you back in time to that fateful day with a little help, but first, you must prove yourself against my most elite Seraphs. Five years ago, you went up against Talexa, who was my Alpha Seraph. She was the first seraph I ever created, along with my other 6 Seraphs. Now, I have 24 Seraphs, and the best of the best will join you as you travel through time. I even have the Xersha of this time, the Xersha that saved you from your digital purgatory, standing by in case the Xersha of the past fails against Itachi." Four cloaked women materialized next to Lominax. "Are you ready to go up against my most powerful Seraphs?"

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