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Well I don't have it memorized or anything, but I do refer to it often. It also just so happens that I'm really good at Chess which is a strategy game. Although if you ask me it's more of a tactics game. Anyway in refrence to an earlier post about the battle of 300 spartans I would like to point out several things.


1. The 300 Spartans held them at a valley about as wide as 3 people so they only had to fight 3 people at a time.

2. They had about 1000 other Greeks protecting the other path around the spartans.

3. Most of the troops sent at them were slaves and untrained soldiers, no elephants involved.

4. The Spartans were also saved by the Atheinian fleet because the fleet stopped Persian Reinforcements from landing on the otherside of the valley.

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I say that I'm good not out of bragging however. I say so because I have reached the semi-finals of a Chess tournament and my opponent who beat me said so.


Anyway here is an excerpt from the Art of War:


The art of war is of vital importance

to the State.


It is a matter of life and death, a road either

to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry

which can on no account be neglected.


The art of war, then, is governed by five constant

factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations,

when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.


These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth;

(4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.

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Well there are one of two games I've thought up.


The first is a simple game where I present everyone with a scenario and they attempt to figure out the best way to win the battle.


The other would be a custom risk style game. This would take a long time, as risk does. I would host this game and, by your decision we can either base it off the actual risk map or I can create a map that would represent YCM. Then every turn everyone playing would recieve a set amount of troops per territory, and choose whether to invade or maintain positions. If invading I then proceed to layout the battle (for NPC territory) or have players present their side of the battles and see which one wins the fight. Then we repeat the process until either 1 person or 1 alliance of people controls the entire map.



and that is why you would lose every battle you would command.

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