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Sun Tzu Academy

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Actauly, I've found the opposite to be true as well. When i dueled years ago,a nd when I play strategy games now, al I have to do is get a few big guns out and keep the small one swarming, and I win pretty easily. If you dno't give your enemy time to regroup or resupply, then they can't launch a proper counter.

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I play it defensively. While the enemy pounds against my wall of defences I'm landing small numbers of troops behind their line to deal some damage before pulling them out to another area.


Basically I slowly kill your resource production until it's near a stand still, then I launch my attack while your crippled.

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Obviously you have never fought me before. I have stopped an offense that was 4x the size of my defense.


"Superior training and superior weaponry, have when brought together, the ability to defeat more times over it's equal and lesser brethern."

-Spartan war manual.

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