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Sun Tzu Academy

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You have to join that Faction. Dprry, but its' part of the game lol. Britannia and the Black Knights have to have their own sections, away from where the enemy can read them. That's why you have to decide your Faction first of all.


If you join me and so far everyone else (Le Createur, Ninjew, Deathghost101, etc) in Britannia, then you can be a Sqaud Leader, an Advisor, or a Researcher. If you want to join the Black Knights, then you can be Chief Advisor, Head Researcher, Ace Pilot, or Spymaster as well. Your choice.

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Accepted. Welcome to the Academy! Here you'll find many things to interest you, particularly if you love tactics as much as I do. For example, my Code Geass strategy game, currently in development, has a 'preview' up here.


Regardless, we're here to have fun, to learn, and to teach. Even the worst strategeists and tacticians are welcome here, as much as the very best.


So, any questions as of right now?


@ Darren: lol ok, I'l PM the pasword on here, and that's about how I figured you'd feel. Your Position?

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Researcher: A scientist, usually far from the front lines, doesn't fight much, collaborates with Head Researcher to Invent and Design new technology. Bonuses: -20% Research costs at current Lab.



Advisor: A stategist that's usually directly behind the front lines, mainly micromanages small areas, but can be a force on the battlefield as well, when required. Bonuses: All friendlies in tactical gain +20% Parameters.



Squad Leader: A pilot showing above average skill and leadership, these wariors are directly on the front lines, and are the first to engage in any battle, leading their Squad - and their Faction - to victory. Bonuses: All friendlies in tactical gain +10% Power, Armor, Exp.


Those are the Position, copy/pasted from BD. Also, Advisors get a 4 unit Bodyguard Squad (3 lesser units, and a better one for the head of the Honor Guard) that goes wit them one very map, regardless. Never alone.


So yes, it is posted on there.


And I'm Jonathan Gray. That's my character on BD.


Britannian General Jonathan Gray.

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