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R ~|~|~Team Rocket~|~|~ R [10% warn (4/8)]


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Eh. I got an Emulator to play Paper Mario and Banjo Tooie. It crashed on me. I don't see why people constently hate SPM. It did something new' date=' and I think it did it well.





I played Tooie' date=' kicked ass.


So does Nuts and Bolts but I like making things.


Wasn't that obvious.


SPM is upsetting cause PM is a turn based strategy game originally.


It wasn't supposed to be a platformer.


Luckily it didn't lose any of it's charm or story.


General Guy and Jr Troopa FTW.



General Guy was the shiz.


My freind made me a new avatar. He kept asking me random questions' date=' and they went toward this.



That avi is baws.


But no Fawful love here...




But... Ice was going to be named Scarlet in my fic. D:


Time to find a new name...


Actually' date=' Ice gave me the name himself.


Not my fault. I sowwy. ;_;





I understand. ;D


I'll find a new name anyways.


Why don't you both use Scarlet...


If I need a new name just use Julia. Or some sheet like that.


Does that mean im officaly cool?


No. It doesn't.


To be cool people have to like you


Oh, and Zeo, you better get Chapter 3 UP PRONTO. (Isn't that when I appear?)

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TR is the best Villain ORGANIZATION. Not the best Villain.


My friend made it for me. I didn't even know. Dimentio is the BEST Nintendo villian' date=' probably the best general villian. Almost all of his lines are genius.



If he doesn't make another appearance I'm going to sue Nintendo.

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Crystal was my first. Then Ruby, Sapphire (at the same time), then LeafGreen, then Emerald, then Diamond and now SoulSilver.


And iirc, I didn't have (nor do I have atm) any Pokemon spinoff games.


Also, General Guy was the best boss in Paper Mario. Seriously, he was so awesomely epic.

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Crystal was my first. Then Ruby' date=' Sapphire (at the same time), then LeafGreen, then Emerald, then Diamond and now SoulSilver.


And iirc, I didn't have (nor do I have atm) any Pokemon spinoff games.





You. Need. To. Get. Mystery Dungeon. Now.

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