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R ~|~|~Team Rocket~|~|~ R [10% warn (4/8)]


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All Blastoises are ready to fire.


What side are you on Twig?


Oh' date=' and I use my Master Ball and catch you. Now you can't go on CP's side.



Team Rocketz of course.


Oh, and unless you find a way to beat Eury's 9001x Master Ball plot, you can't catch me.


9002x Master Ball plot?

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@Ice: Fine.


By the way' date=' Writer's Arena is now part of the war.



I frown upon your signature.


Why can't there be four owners?



Because then somebody will ask, why can't there be five owners?


Deustodo caught me by doing a bunch of things I'm too lazy to describe.

Eury caught me with 9001 Master Balls.

Ice caught me with 9002 Master Balls.


You have to beat one of them. =/

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@Ice: Fine.


By the way' date=' Writer's Arena is now part of the war.



I frown upon your signature.


Why can't there be four owners?


Because then somebody will ask, why can't there be five owners?


Deustodo caught me by doing a bunch of things I'm too lazy to describe.

Eury caught me with 9001 Master Balls.

Ice caught me with 9002 Master Balls.


You have to beat one of them. =/


I roasted you.

Plus, I'm gonna use a Luxury Ball this time. ^^

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This is bad. The soil has failed to grow as much as needed. It only grew half of what it was supposed to, but it still grew more then regular soil. So, you can expect around 220 Oran Berries a day. They don't take too long to grow at all. Just care. Nexev, your the scientist here. Any idea on how to get the soil to reach it's full potential?

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Pikachu called the war off because he doesn't like activity (which isn't even spam, seeing as the entire war is related to Pokemon) in his thread. Being the Minister of Foreign Affairs, we have mutually agreed to call the war off and I have gotten rid of our trade sanction.


However, the popular consensus of the people is to go to war. So although we are not formally declaring it, get the following divisions ready. We will attack at 19:30 EST, today.


5 Blastoise Divisions

10 Dugtrio Divisions

3 Darkrai Divisions


And anything else you'd like to contribute. Do not give us all of your divisions. It is a surprise attack, and thus we don't need to amp up our division output.


Eury will make the war plans for attack. I would recommend keeping our Dugtrio Divisions somewhere close to Organizations Sector U9, and any Darkrai or Absol Divisions near General C6. I've explained to my three Darkrai divisions the plan of action: Nasty Plot and subsequently Dark Pulse. Pikachu can only win with Light Ball, Volt Tackle AND some super-effective move on Dugtrio, which they should not be running Grass Knot, hopefully. It's going to be tough, but we can try.


On a further note, I was thinking about running a Pokemon-war game in the Games section, but I am still working out the logistics. It has to be pre-planned immensly to make sure nothing is broken and no loopholes exist. If I am able to, I will run it by Crab Helmet to check for potential loopholes, as he has done that multiple times for the Fool Games back in the day.


It's based off of this mock war, of course. There will be a map of the Pokemon regions (most likely ripped from PokEarth from Serebii), Berries will be currency, and it is a game to see which generation (1, 2, 3 or 4) comes out on top. Again, the logistics are not worked out yet, and I need to make the game not broken. It's going to mainly revolve (winning and losing battles, that is) on type effectiveness and physical/special attack and defense, but I HAVE NOT WORKED OUT THE FULL LOGISTICS.


If anyone would like to help, you may talk to me on MSN whenever I am on.

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Well, all the leaders will co-own it. Also, anything you need to know Godmodding or not, you can ask me or Ice. Simply put- Don't 10% dodge and do not always hit. Or use extreme abilities. That's all ^-^


And we are, slowly, working.

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