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Official Pokemon Black and White thread. (loads of new info with lots of spoilers)


How many 5th gen pokemon do you think there is going to be?  

108 members have voted

  1. 1. How many 5th gen pokemon do you think there is going to be?

    • under 50
    • over 50
    • under 100
    • over 100
    • more than 150

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Those are some seriously fit looking Pokemon' date=' the White legendary might be this pure Flying Type that alot of people were suggesting. The Black one looks best I think. I'm going to play Ubers just so I can use them.


Agree, they both look really bad ass. Black is better IMO, but really both do kick ass.


You look like a Digimon DX They're cool' date=' don't take that away from them. Sides, they only look as sleak and sexy as Palkia or Dialga. They don't have jeans, piercings, belts or knuckle dusters so they don't look like shitty didgimon at all.


Deffinately Flying and Dark/Flying. The Black one is fit.


IMo, they look like dragons.

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I actually like the new legendaries, and that's coming from me, the fussy 4th Gen hater. Lol, they look weird and that jet-thing looks really weird, but they still look pretty cool. They do look a bit like Ultimate-form Digimon though xD, but they still look alright.


It's doing good for me so far... though if I'm honest they could've put some more colour into them like the older Pokémon designs.

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Zorua, Zoroark, Reshiram, and Zekrom are all extremely sexy.


The starters are disappointing, but the above 4 redeem that.


I can't wait to see what other Pokemon they've made. I know we can expect some Gen 3 evolutions, since the R/S/E remakes are next in line after Black and White. I personally want to see Torkoal, Absol, Claydol, Relicanth, Masquerain, Sableye and Mawile evos.

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Well, yeah, but the other two are disappointing. The fire looks retarded and the water one looks like a blue brick with a face.


After pondering for a couple seconds, a Masquerain evo would be extremely awesome. Too awesome for words to even describe.

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Pre-evo ftw?


Manectric' date=' Plusle, Minun, and Sharpedo evos would be cool too.


Also, a Wailo- *shot*



Yup. ^^; He'd be a pussy-ass jabroni though.


Yeah, I agree there too. Also don't shoot me but... Skarmory?


Dude, what would that even be? Bigger than a whale...? Like, Wailsaur?

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Well' date=' yeah, but the other two are disappointing. The fire looks retarded and the water one looks like a blue brick with a face.


After pondering for a couple seconds, a Masquerain evo would be extremely awesome. Too awesome for words to even describe.


The more I see him, the more I like the fire pig. IDK why, I just do. I even starting to get use to the water one.


I hope they keep the number of event pokemon to 1 or 2. Even that is too much for me' date=' who has no way of getting them without cheating...


Well 4th gen only had 3, which is only one more. Odds are we're going to have a few this gen too since every gen the number has gone up..

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Picture of Reshiram and Zekrom.






I say the Black looks like a Dark/Dragon, Dark/Steel, or Steel/Dragon to me and it looks Bad ***


The White one looks like either Flying/Dragon or Psychic/Dragon and looks awesome


i have to say they did a better job on the Legendaries and the 1st 5 released

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Are you guys gay?


Digimon was awesome until they started turning into mechas. :/


I don't care for Digimon. I was referring to the fact that they apparently don't like the new legends. D:

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