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Is Santa Real?


Is Santa Claus Real?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Is Santa Claus Real?

    • Yes, he's real
    • No, he's not

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Well if you mean Saint Nicholas the historical figure Santa is based off of then yeah, he was real, but the Santa with flying raindeer and big red suit, that come down the chimney well I would say.... NOOO! I WON'T DO IT FBI YOU CAN'T MAKE ME, SANTA IS REAL!! THE GOVERNMENT JUST KEEPS HIM A SECRET!! YOUR PARENTS LIE I TELL YOU! LIE! (This moment of Insanity brought to by Speed Dragon90).

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Yeh I got a gift from Santa a Memory Sticks [thats what santa gives you]

but it was obviuosly form my parents as I have been awake all day and I didn't see him

and of course he is fake how would he fit and the legend of santa has been around for som many years that if he was real he would be dead and anybody with accesse to the planets house will be hahaha not hohohohohoho

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Well, until 2 years ago i did believe he was real but i want an explanation to the following:


During the new year's eve my parents and I went to a friend's house and returned in 2 AM. Nobody had entered the home and when i checked the tree there was a gift. how do you explain that?


There were no presents before we left the house and i was the last to leave cause i checked it before i went out. That was the time that while i was doubting he was real i had proof that he actually exists

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Well. A long time ago there was a man named Saint Nick who went around giving presents to people. Everybody loved him and as the story went on Santa became Imortal. I belive that Santa Clause is not a Person but rather a myth. The myth was to treat every man woman and child the same on Christmas Day. And to express the meeining of Family. But it would be cool to see some guy climbing down a Chimeny with a bag and a red suit instead of a Sce Mask and A Black outfit.

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it would be kinda weird for a fat guy in a red suit breaking in your house but instead of stealing things he leaves things...thats kinda odd...and santa might exist airforce aircrafts had some a mysterious flying thing on christmas eve onetime...so he does EXIST!!!!

is there a way to change your poll vote?!?!

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