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I think the OCG is wrong, but I don't know how its wrong - it's weird it just feels wrong when I read it (OCG wise). Pic is nice, effect is interesting, balanced but maybe not so useful since Ritual Monsters aren't that useful in the real world. Now, "Divine" is not a Type, use "Dragon" or something.


Rating: 7/10 - I feel the OCG is wrong, but since I don't know how I can't penalize you for it plus a -1 for the use of Divine. Interesting and nice way to try and help Ritual Monsters, but I don't think its useful enough to make a big enough difference.

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this is nowhere NEAR OPed like a DIVINE monster should be


this is useless to you on the field' date=' so I'm only giving this 5/10



Sorry, but let me address this post:

#1 No card, regardless of name/type/attribute/ect should be OP'd.

#2 The two real divine monsters are pretty weak, UP'd or balanced depending on how you rate. I say UP'd because of pesty conditions.

#3 Cards don't have to be useful on the field at all. Gardna, Vayu, Bushi, Shining C, Treeborn, Level Eater, Dandylion, ect all work mostly from off-field, but they're perfectly good cards.

#4 This is a type/attribute change of a real card, so clearly effects like this are acceptable to at least Konami =p

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