Allesk Posted April 3, 2010 Report Share Posted April 3, 2010 "Allesk." the man said answering who he was, that was te only question he acknowleged. He tilted his head to the right cracking his neck. Then slowly reached behind him to grab a dagger with each of his hands. Pulling out the concealed daggers, Allesk grinned. His moth was the only thing visible, the rest of his face being hidden beneathe his long bone mask that resembled an animals head. He still did not reveal his furyoku yet. A demonic cat appeared behind him though and was striped with red and blue. It split into two orb like spheres and they slammed into his daggers. There seemed to be no aparent change to the daggers but the grass around Allesk was being pushed away from him. Allesk flipped into the air and landed behind the kid and slashed towards his back. He then flipped back with such speed and slashed towards him again, slices of wind rushing towards him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joey Miles Posted April 3, 2010 Author Report Share Posted April 3, 2010 OOC:Battryboy your still not accpted you still dont get the concept of an oversoul so i cant let you in untill you do. ask shinix for help or pm me.IC joey turned to jake and smiled."dont worry mate he seems ok besides i realy dont want to fight here in public." joey disigaged his over soul his hair turning white agian and his eyes back to gray."you know you seem like a pretty good person. whats your name mate?" joey asked as rnaki hovered over his sholder watching incase he needed to help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
namelessk Posted April 3, 2010 Report Share Posted April 3, 2010 Isshin continued walking towards the large mountain that he could see in the distance. "This definitely isn't Japan. Where are the large cities? The large buildings?" he asked Rametakhan. "I think we may have taken a wrong turn somehow." Rametakhan said. "Darn it. I can sense some furyoku up ahead, so that means there are a few shaman here." Isshin said. He scaled up the mountain easily and when he reached the top, he saw the two shaman about to fight. "Well well, this should be fun." he said as he slid his hands into his pockets and watched the fight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DigiMaster Ragnarok Posted April 3, 2010 Report Share Posted April 3, 2010 Man this guy is fast! Nick thought. This was his first shaman fight, so he didn't want to resort to Plan B. I don't have time for this. This guy could be a problem. I'll wipe him out in one attack. If that doesn't work, then I'll just go ahead with option 2. Nick's furyoku increased even more. As the two slashes of wind came at him, he brought the tip of his sword down, then slashed upward, making a giant wave of energy that seemed to come out of the ground appear. It slashed right through the wind blasts, then straight at Allesk. He dodged it easily, but Nick ran straight behind the wave. His speed was impressive, and he jumped up high in the air. Nick focused his furyoku into his sword, and slashed downward. The result was a large blue energy beam that went straight at the ground, creating a huge, bright explosion. Nick had known that an attack like that, which didn't use much of his reiatsu, probably wouldn't hit Allesk. But the light it created would've made him unable to see Nick as he ran towards the forest. That, and the smoke left by the explosion would let Nick run into the forest, and out of sight. Whether or not the attack DID hit the man wasn't of Nick's concern. But now knowing that his simple strategy wouldn't work against a man like Allesk, he had no choice but to get more serious about these fights. Luckily, Nick was already in the trees, thanks to his speed. "Looks like you were right Leviathos. I'll make sure that next time, we're more prepared." "It's about time you listened to me! Now come on, I can sense some other shamans. Let's make it so that the Allesk guy can't track us, and find the other shamans. Maybe they won't be as... hostile." Nick lowered his furyoku so that no one could sense it. Leviathos locked on to two shamans that were in the same area, and they ran, knowing that they would be prepared the next time they fought Allesk, and that if they weren't, he wouldn't give them a chance to regroup again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Esplin 9466 Primary Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 "My name is Zak." -"Don't tell them that!!" Alana yelled. "They're the enemy." -"Will you shut up! Your worse than my mom." Zak sighed. "Sorry, incise you didn't notice, my guardian spirit is very competitive." Zak said rubbing his head, annoyed with Alana. "She's supposed to be a guardian spirit, but she puts me in more danger that she keeps me out of." -"T....that's not true." -Lust yesterday i was almost eaten by a whale because you told me to try & talk to it." Alana started to comet back, but she stopped. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady_Killer Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Kisume awoke with a jolt. The pain had subsided and he could move. He sat up and looked at the clock, Only a few minutes had passed since his battle with the wolf boy and the Injured one. He got out of bed and grabbed his shirt before exiting out to what seemed to be the living room. He looked around still in shock, then he senced something. Furyoku. He quickly found his bow and ran toward the Furyoku. He looked around a saw a group of three. It was Wolf boy, Injured boy,and a mystery person. He ran over to him to aid his allies and new friends, quickly knocking an arrow incase the confromation turned serious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DigiMaster Ragnarok Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Nick eventually saw a house in the distance, so he put his sword away, and ran into a crowd of people, to hide himself. He saw two people in front of the house. "So those are the shamans eh?" Nick said. "Yep. By the looks of it, they aren't anything like that Allesk guy. Maybe they'll be friendlier." "I sure hope so, or we'll have to fight them. And even if we win, that Allesk guy could be here since he would since the furyoku we used in the fight." Nick looked worried. He stopped frowning, and smiled, closing his eyes (seems like lots of anime characters have their eyes close when they smile *Cough Cough* GIN!!! *Cough Cough*) and he walked towards the house. He approached the two. "Hello. You two must be the shamans my spirit Leviathos here detected. You two seem a lot nicer than the last guy we met. My name is Nick! What are yours?" Nick said, still smiling, and holding out his hand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Esplin 9466 Primary Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 "I am getting sick & tired of people pointing weapons at me today." Zak said as he stared at the arrow aimed at him. "I suggest you put that thing away before i lost my temper." Zak looked in to Kisume's eyes to show he was serious. But with natural judge of character, he saw something he did not like, but it was confusing to him. "If you wanted to kill me you would have done it by know." Zak said after recovering. "so do yourself a favor & lower your arrow." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necro Pheonix Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Jake smiled at Kisume. "Glad to see your up and around. You can lower your bow, he seems to be a good guy. But, I do sense something... some Furyoku...evil Furyoku, it's not exactly nearby, but it's not exactly far away. I suggest that we concentrate on that." Rannaharo started giving Alana an evil glare. Jake noticed this and immediatly hit him in the back of the head. "Get over it Haro, not everyone's an enemy." Rannaharo sneared and avoided Jake's gaze. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Esplin 9466 Primary Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 "Hitting your guardian spirit?" Zak watched Rannaharo for a moment. "Maybe i should give that a try. "He glanced over at Alana." -"Y... your can't. you swore you would never hit a girl, remember?" -"Oh.... i wonder if ghost's count." Zak asked jokingly. "Oh well. A promise is a promise." -"Well now that this is all cleared up, It's time for you to train!!" -"What!!" Zak yelled. -"You have to practice holding your breath under water. Even with Spirit unity your body can't handle more than 20-30 minuets under water." -"Yeah, well it's more than anybody ells." Zak said under his breath so that Alana couldn't hear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necro Pheonix Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Jake started to laugh. "Being forced to train, eh?" Jake stuck out his hand. "My names Jake. Jake Verouzi. This here's Rannaharo, just Haro for short. Now tell me, why did you join the shaman fight? What are you going to do if you win this?" Jake's face grew serious suddenly. "The evil Furyoku, it's not leaving. There's going to be a fight going down here...and soon..." Jake got a grip on his sword but didnt move it at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allesk Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Allesk flipped backwards avoiding the energy slash. The mask over his eyes filled with furyoku and guarded him from the light. Allesk watched as his opponent fled. "Kill him." a bloodcurdling voice cried out. Allesk ignored the voice and let him flee. Allesk licked the blood off his dagger, Nick did not avoid his first slash by the blade directly. Due to the armor however the wound inflicted wasn't it's full strength. Making the slash bareley deeper then a scratch. Allesk grinned and looked towards the direction of the mountain where ge was being watched by someone. Allesk sprinted towards the spectator Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady_Killer Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Kisume shuddered as he saw the new shaman fighting with his spirit. Something he had never done with Zu Zu Jo when he was himself. He lowered his bow and put the arrow in his quiver. He concentrated on the Dark Furyoku, It wasn't evil, Just frightned. But he did feel a more powerful, and Evil presence in the distance.Zu Zu Jo, I need your help.He said with his mind. Zu Zu Jo appeared next to him and started pestering him about weather he was ok or not. Kisume Answered his question and continued to focus one the Evil Shaman. He readied his bow and Began to get ready for the battle. He looked at the others, and tried to warn them but couldn't talk for some reason. He tried again to talk but still nothing. Finally he shot an arrow at the ground to try and get their attention. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady_Killer Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 OOC: BOTH OF YOU STOP WITH THE OOC ONLY POSTS. IC: The small group noticed the arrow that was shot. Knowing who it came from, they all turned to kisume. Kisume then took another crack at speaking, this time sucessful, but only a wisper. "Guys, They is a Dark Shaman in the distance. We need to take it out, also we have a visitor at your house Wolf boy." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allesk Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 OCC: There's is a delet button so chill out, and DigiMaster Ragnarok if you did see I changed the post a little. IC: Allesk soon scaled the mountain and reached the spectator. The mountain wasn't that hard to climb for him at all and he moved to the the peak at extreme speads. He cocked his head to the side looking at the man. He had still been in a fighting mood since his opponent fled. Twirling his daggers he stared at the man now before him. He waited to see if he would make a move. Allesk took a stance waiting to see what was going to happen. He was prepared for just about anything. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joey Miles Posted April 4, 2010 Author Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 "master joey you forgot to intruduce yourself." Rnaki reminded joey finaly breaking his trance somewhat."oh ya i forgot my names joey miles mate and WHOA WHAT THE HELL DID YOU FIRE THAT THING FOR MATE! ya trying to take someones foot off!" joey yelled."wait how are you standing didnt i put a hole through your chest?" joey said suddly feeling a little left out. this presence realy had him confused and it was starting to affect his thinking. suddly joey felt unsafe without his oversoul on and quickly rengaged it."is it just me mates or do you feel that as well?" he asked the others Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DigiMaster Ragnarok Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 "Hi Joey! My name is Nick. And this here is Leviathos. He's my partner," Nick said grinning. Leviathos tried to introduce himself by saying, "Well hello there Joey! Pleasure to meet you!" but because only Nick can understand him, he sounded like this: (insert whale sound). "And who're y-" Nick was interrupted when Joey started acting weird. He engaged his oversoul and had asked if they sensed something. "Yea, I think I do... what is it?" Nick engaged his oversoul, so his armor would protect him, since he was focusing ALL of his furyoku into it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
namelessk Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Isshin continued to watch the fight, marveling at the two shaman's powers. When the smoke was thrown up, he was able to see from his high vantage point that one of the shaman had run away. "Guess he couldn't take the heat." Isshin said as he smirked. Then, when the smoke cleared, he saw the second shaman heading towards him. "Hmph." he said as the shaman finally reached the top of the mountain and faced him. "Yo. Nice to meet ya." Isshin said. "If you're looking for a fight, I'm gonna let you know now. I won't run away like the other guy did." Isshin said as he unhooked the scythe part of his chain scythes from the sheathes attached to his wrists. He twirled the scythes in front of him by the chain as he waited for the shaman to make a move. "So, what's your name?" he asked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necro Pheonix Posted April 5, 2010 Report Share Posted April 5, 2010 Jake signaled to Rannaharo. "Haro, prepare to go Oversoul. Looks like we're going to have to fight." Rannaharo nodded and pulled up the sleeves of his robe revealing the wrappings on his arm. "Ready Jake." Rannaharo said as he clenched his fists. "Good. We have whatever it is outnumbered. If we fight together, we can beat it. If we fight each other, we're all going to die. The shaman fight starts now, and so does the end of the world as we know it. In a matter of weeks, everythign will change forever." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady_Killer Posted April 5, 2010 Report Share Posted April 5, 2010 Kisume looked at Zu Zu Jo. Zu Zu nodded as Kisume engaged his oversoul, Revealing the blood red armor everyone had seen in his controlled state. He Looked around and spoke. "Alright guys, What ever that thing is, we're going to tear it a new one." Everyone gave a cheer and a snicker at what Kisume said. Everyone readied their weapons for the oncoming enemy. Nobody knew who it was, all they knew was that they were powerful and that they needed to be careful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joey Miles Posted April 5, 2010 Author Report Share Posted April 5, 2010 as the other engaged their over souls joey could now tell what was comming. it cant be a demon that large never excapes the prists."guys in a few seconds we all at once need to shoot off our mana into the air then run to a large open area with only a few people." as joey said this everyone was giving his the strangest looks. "looks whats called a terstrail demon is comming thats what i sensed. if we fight it here then all this people will die no matter who carefully we fight. so you guys now understand." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Esplin 9466 Primary Posted April 5, 2010 Report Share Posted April 5, 2010 "A demon?" Zak wondered for a moment. "That doesn't sound good." He looked around the group of people. "Instead of luring him to a place with very few people, let's lure him in to a place that has no people & that gives us a field advantage. "Alana, spirit form." Alana took the form of a small sphere. "Spirit unity!" Zak placed Alana inside his body. "I don't suppose there's a lake nearby is there?" Zak asked as he removed his sword from its sheath. The sword, which at one point had no blade, now had a solid steel, double sided blade. "If i can get him to a lake i think i might be able to beat him." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necro Pheonix Posted April 5, 2010 Report Share Posted April 5, 2010 "Well...a lake wont work good for us..." Haro pointed to the kanji on Rannaharo's wrappings. "Fire and water dont really mix well. I say go to him, if what I'm feeling is true, than there cant be many people left. And whoever is, we should save. I dont think we can go somewhere else and wait for him while he kills other innocent people." Jake stuck out his sword and Rannaharo began to vanish. "Oversoul!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DigiMaster Ragnarok Posted April 6, 2010 Report Share Posted April 6, 2010 OOC: Ummm... I thought Necrophoenix was with some other people. Last time I checked at least, Ekim and Visser were together when I showed up... unless I'm mistaken or Necrophoenix teleported to us sumhow 0.0 IC: "Hmmm..." Nick was thinking. "I know! There was one right by this open field I was at. I passed right by it. Come on!" Nick started running, then stopped abruptly. "Oh wait... there was a guy there, he attacked me." Nick looked upset. "I know I could've beaten him if I was more prepared! But... I wasn't... so I ran. But with you two, there's no way he could win. He seemed almost completely evil though, and ruthless. If we go, we may have to face him." Leviathos appeared next to Nick. He talked, but it just sounded like whale sounds to the others. "Oh no. Guys, Leviathos says that he saw another shaman in the distance too. I think we could take them both, AND the demon too, if we worked together. Are you guys up for the challenge? Cuz if so, we can't just fight one-on-one with each person. No, we must work as a team to take down each one, one-by-one, and only then can we assure victory." Nick looked determined. "Now let's go!" And he turned towards the lake that was on the opposite side of the open field that the mountain was on, and ran off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necro Pheonix Posted April 6, 2010 Report Share Posted April 6, 2010 OOC: I was with Ekim. "Teamwork sounds great." Jake said as he looked at ,the vanishing into oversoul,Rannaharo, who was pouting. "I can fight them all by myself..." He said angrily. "Get over your ego already. You know very well you can't take them all on by yourself. You'll get yourself killed...well. more so than you already have..." Jake said and chased after Nick. "I came to fight shamans and change the world, and now demons?!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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