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Stall Removal Deck


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1| Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder

1| D.D. Crow

1| Banisher of the Radiance

1| Sangan

1| Snipe Hunter

3| Banisher of the Light

1| Marshmallon

3| Penguin Soldier

1| Morphing Jar

1| Magician of Faith

1| Des Lacooda

3| Needle Worm



1| Card Destruction

3| Soul Absorption

1| Level Limit - Area B

2| Dimensional Fissure

2| Messenger of Peace

1| Book of Moon

1| Premature Burial

1| Swords of Reavealing Light

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Lightning Vortex



3| D.D. Dynamite

1| Gravity Bind

3| Trap Hole

1| Call of the Haunted

1| Solemn Judgement[/u]

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