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Alittle Rusty, but let me know what you think

Immortal Chaos

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Ok, first off, I will disclaim that I own none of the pictures, as they are taken from Magic The Gathering Cards. Which brings me to the second part of this. Since they are based on something from another card game, I do not now if they go here, or in Pop-Culture. If they go there instead, please let me know. Thirdly, I have not done this in a while, so my OCG may be way off, so any help is greatly appreciated.


Sarkhan Vol, Dragonic Shaman


[spoiler=Lore:]There can only be 1 face-up "Planeswalker" monster on the field. If you have no Spell Cards in your hand at the beginning of your Draw Phase, destroy this card. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot only be Special Summoned by sending 1 Dragon-Type monster in your hand and 1 Dragon-Type monster on your side of the field to the graveyard during your Main Phase 1. When this card is Special Summoned, select 1 Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard. This card gains ATK equal to the selected monster's ATK. Once per turn,during your Main Phase 1, you can discard 1 Spell Card from your hand to Special Summon as 2 Level 4 or Lower Dragon-Type monsters from your graveyard in Face-up Attack Position as you can. If the Special Summoned monsters have effects, they are negated.



Elspeth Tirel, Noble Knight


[spoiler=Lore:]There can only be 1 face-up "Planeswalker" monster on the field. If you have no Spell Cards in your hand at the beginning of your Draw Phase, destroy this card. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned if you send 3 Warrior-Type monsters on your side of the field with different names to your Graveyard. When this card is Special Summoned successfully, you can destroy Spell and Trap Cards on the field, equal to the number of Warrior-Type monsters on your side of the field. Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1, you can discard 1 Spell Card from your hand to Special Summon 1 Warrior-Type Monster from your Deck. If you use this effect, this card cannot declare an attack.



Nicol Bolas, Dragonic Traitor


[spoiler=Lore:]There can only be 1 face-up "Planeswalker" monster on the field. If you have no Spell Cards in your hand at the beginning of your Draw Phase, destroy this card. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by sending all Dragon-Type monsters in your hand and on your field to the Graveyard. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1, you can discard any number of Spell Cards from your hand to have this card gain 500 ATK per discarded card. When this card declares an attack, you must tribute 1 Level 5 or higher Dragon-Type monster on your side of the field.



Tezzeret, Master Artificer


[spoiler=Lore:]There can only be 1 face-up "Planeswalker" monster on the field. If you have no Spell Cards in your hand at the beginning of your Draw Phase, destroy this card. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by sending 1 Level 1 Machine-Type monster, 1 Level 2 Machine-Type monster, and 1 Level 3 Machine-Type monster from your Deck to your Graveyard. As long as this card remains Face-up on the field, Machine-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed as a result of battle or by the effects of Spell and Trap Cards. If you Tribute Summon a Machine-Type monster while this card is Face-up on your side of the field, you can discard Spell Cards equal to the number of tributes required instead.



Here they are, please tell me what you think. Any rates and fixes will be most appreciated. More to come if people like them.

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Thank you both. Like I said, it's been some time since I did something like this. And I figured the abilities make them hard to keep out, seeing as if you have no spell cards they go -does a fanning motion with his hand- Poof in a cloud of smoke. Not to mention there can only be one on the field, which makes it a race, kind of like the EBI cards. Also, its makes a strain on your Spell Usage, because if you discard your 1 Spell card that has been keeping your Walker alive, it goes to the graveyard next turn. I just hope other people will like them, because there will be 19 cards total in the set if people want me to continue.

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I would ease up on the effects a bit.


I just read the lore' date=' and the only one I undoubtedly like would be Tezzeret with it's tributing effect. That would work wonders in a Machine-Warrior Type Deck (So would Road Warrior in some cases).



True, but each Walker fits into one type of deck, two at most., Tezz would be one of the few exceptions, along with Jace (Soon to come), Chandra (Soon to come), and Lilianna (Soon to come)

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