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A Shinigami's Review - Article #1 Posted

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[align=center]Article #1 - Fire Trooper



(This card is not released in English yet)

Used For - Burn / Stall Decks


Pro's :

Average Amount of Damage dealt to Opponent

Fire / Pyro Support

Searchable by Sangan, UFO Turtle

Inferno Reckless Summon + Fire Trooper = 3000 Damage


Con's :

Damage is not Significantly good

Goes to Graveyard after Summon (Could also be a Pro)

Must Successfully be Summoned to get effect

Is useless if you try to Flip Summon it


How to Play "Fire Trooper" -

How I would play it is by setting "Inferno Reckless Summon" and using "UFO Turtle" to Defend your life points. When your Opponent attacks him, Special Summon "Fire Trooper". Then during the Main Phase 2 activate "Call of the Haunted" to get "Fire Trooper" again and then "Inferno Reckless Summon" to deal 3000 more Damage.After the matter of fact is done I would use cards like "The Transmigration Prophecy" to get "Fire Trooper" back into your deck, then "Magician of Faith" to get your "Inferno Reckless Summon" back to your hand. Then I would use "Premature Burial" or "Call of the Haunted" to get back the 1 "Fire Trooper" left in your graveyard and play "Inferno Reckless Summon" again to get the "Fire Trooper"'s in your deck to deal another 3000. Repeat this pattern or use other Burn cards like "Wave Motion Cannon" or "Stealth Bird" to finish your opponent's 2000 Life Points off. Even card's that deal only 1000 Damage like "Tremendous Fire" would work, since they would get the job done quicker. Protect your Spells with "Spell Type Shield - 8" and "Solemn Judgement" and you should have that game wrapped up.


How to have your Field and Hand with "Fire Trooper" :


Field -

1 Sangan / UFO Turtle

1 Face-Down Solemn Judgement, 1 Face-Down Inferno Reckless Summon


(Optional - Spell Type Shield - 8)


Hand -

1 Magician of Faith, 1 Transmigration Prophecy, 1 Premature Burial / Call of the Haunted, 1 Solemn Judgement / Spell-Type Shield - 8


(Optional, or If no Magician of Faith - Inferno Reckless Summon)


Cards to run in a "Fire Trooper" Deck :

Monsters -

3x Fire Trooper

3x UFO Turtle

1x Sangan

1x or 2x King Pyron "Run it with the extra UFO Turtle's"

1x Magician of Faith (Inferno Reckless Summon and other Spells)

1x Mask of Darkness (Get back any traps or your Transmigration Prophecy)

1x or 2x Solar Flare Dragon


Traps -

1x Gravity Bind (Stall)

1x The Transmigration Prophecy

2x Solemn Judgement

1x Spell Type Shield - 8

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Ceasefire


Spell -

2x or 3x Inferno Reckless Summon (Can be used with King Pyron as well)

3x Wave Motion Cannon

1x Premature Burial

1x Level Limit Area - B

1x Swords of Revealing Light


Throw in whatever you see fit for this deck and have fun!


A Shinigami_Ichigo Review







That's my first review. I also do Reviews on cards made here. If you think a card of yours or a card that is actually real should be reviewed, Post in this thread or PM me about it.


So, any comments? This is my first Review ever so don't be Super Brutal.


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