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[DISC]Dark Strike Fighter[/DISC]

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Well this card is powerful but has one deadly weakness: Mask of Restrict. But you know not all decks have that card, so the opponent needs to know that you have DSF in the 1st place before starting the duel. Plus, MOR is not perfect can be destroyed with most cards like MST, HS, OR Be negated with Dark Bribe and semi-cards like that negaation cards and counter traps etc... Well i guess when/if this card gets unbanned or limited/semi-limited, they would have made some better cards that negate DSF OR Cannon Soldiers effetcs. /Thread.

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Well this card is powerful but has one deadly weakness: Mask of Restrict. But you know no all decks at all have that card' date=' so the opponent needs to know that you have DSF in the 1st place before starting the duel. Plus, MOR is not perfect can be destroyed with most cards like MST, HS, OR Be negated with Dark Bribe and semi-cards like that negaation cards and counter traps etc... Well i guess when/if this card gets unbanned or limited/semi-limited, they would have made some better cards that negate DSF OR Cannon Soldiers effetcs. /Thread.



Or, you know, they could just play Cold Wave before hand, nullifying it anyways. That's exactly what Syncat did last format...

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Its effect isn't that powerful but its coupled with a solid ATK which can make for cheap wins towards the mid-to-end game. Tourney players would be really annoyed by the potential cheapness of this card.


Also I do believe you can Tribute itself to cause 1400 Direct Damage


Example your Battle Phase you use this to attack directly, that's 2600 + Tribute itself after the attack causing 1400 damage for a total of 4000 LPs. Half your opponent LPs are gone, good to use near end game.

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Well this card is powerful but has one deadly weakness: Mask of Restrict. But you know not all decks have that card' date=' so the opponent needs to know that you have DSF in the 1st place before starting the duel. Plus, MOR is not perfect can be destroyed with most cards like MST, HS, OR Be negated with Dark Bribe and semi-cards like that negaation cards and counter traps etc... Well i guess when/if this card gets unbanned or limited/semi-limited, they would have made some better cards that negate DSF OR Cannon Soldiers effetcs. /Thread.



Mask of Restrict is a failure of a card and situational, your argument is invalid.

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Well this card is powerful but has one deadly weakness: Mask of Restrict. But you know not all decks have that card' date=' so the opponent needs to know that you have DSF in the 1st place before starting the duel. Plus, MOR is not perfect can be destroyed with most cards like MST, HS, OR Be negated with Dark Bribe and semi-cards like that negaation cards and counter traps etc... Well i guess when/if this card gets unbanned or limited/semi-limited, they would have made some better cards that negate DSF OR Cannon Soldiers effetcs. /Thread.



Mask of Restrict is a failure of a card and situational, your argument is invalid.



Then this?

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Well this card is powerful but has one deadly weakness: Mask of Restrict. But you know not all decks have that card' date=' so the opponent needs to know that you have DSF in the 1st place before starting the duel. Plus, MOR is not perfect can be destroyed with most cards like MST, HS, OR Be negated with Dark Bribe and semi-cards like that negaation cards and counter traps etc... Well i guess when/if this card gets unbanned or limited/semi-limited, they would have made some better cards that negate DSF OR Cannon Soldiers effetcs. /Thread.



Mask of Restrict is a failure of a card and situational, your argument is invalid.



Then this?



Yes, one's much better off using that. At least it has something else it can do.

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