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Val'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord being released in English

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This card has many names, arranging from Val'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord, Dark Ruler Vandalgyon and Dark King Dragon - Vandorgaron



When a card that your opponent activates is negated by a Counter Trap Card, you may Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is Special Summoned by this effect, depending on the type of the card negated, use one of the following effects:

● Spell: Inflict 1500 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points

● Trap: Destroy 1 card on your opponent's side of the field.

● Effect Monster: Select 1 monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon it to your side of the field.


This is one hell of a good card... plus its being released as a Shonen Jump Magazine Promo... SWEET!


Whats your query on this card? I quite like it... its pretty awesome... Lets Discuss

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Pretty good I like it.


After you negate a card, you get to automatically Special Summon it. Although since about half the time you'll be negating during your opponent's turn, it'll give them a chance to destroy, or use it in some way for their own advantage.


Even if they do destroy it, you'll get a very unique effect when a card is negated. LP damage, card destruction, and (most impressively) Graveyard Special Summoning are all pretty awesome.

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