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Fic Need characters(5 signers and Dark Signers have been chosen)(contest for 30 P)

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[img: Alex, The Keyblade Master of Twilight.jpg]


Name: Alex Loredo

Favorite Card: Twilight Dragon

Deck: Twilight Chaos Deck (60 Cards)



Twilight Chaos Deck: 60


Monster Cards: 25


Alex the Twilight Archfiend x1

Alex the Twilight Archlord x1

Alex the Twilight Soldier x1

Alexis the Ninja of Life x1

Arcane Apprentice x1

Assault Mercenary x1

Chaos Synchron x1

Danni the Ninja of Darkness x1

Destiny Synchron x1

Familiar Knight x1

Hyper Synchron x1

Larissa the Ninja of Light x1

Luis the Chaos Gunslinger x1

Luster Dragon x1

Luster Dragon #2 x1

Rare Metal Dragon x1

Rodney the Holy Swordsman x1

Twilight Beast x1

Twilight Dragon/Assault Mode x1

Twilight Emperor Soldier x1

Twilight Gardna x1

Twilight Hero x1

Twilight Nataku x1

Twilight Synchron x1

Ultima Dragon x1


Spell Cards: 15


Archfiend's Rage Transformation x1

Archlord's Prayer Transformation x1

Chaos 62 Bullet Rotation x1

Double Summon x1

Mysatical Space Typhoon x1

Silver Wing x1

Swods of Revealing Light x1

Triple Barrel Gun x1

Twilight Emperor Ritual x1

Twilight Fusion x3

Twilight in Arms! x1

Twilgiht Veil x1

Twin Sentinal Blades x1


Trap Cards: 10


Assaul Counter x1

Assault Mode Activate x1

Assault Slash x1

Dark Battle x1

Defense Draw x1

Magic Cylinder x1

Twilight Life x1

Twilgiht Raigeki x1

Twilight Resurrection x1

Twilight Tribute x1


Extra Deck: 10


Chaos Warrior x1

Destiny Warrior x1

Twilight Dragon x1

Twilight Dragon Paladin x1

Twilight Knight x1

Twilight Ninja x1

Twilight Paladin x1

Twilight Sorceress x1

Twilight Warrior x1

Ultima Twilight Dragon x1




[img: Twilight Dragon card.jpg]


Antagonist or Protagonist?: Protagonist

Personality: happy, crazy sometimes, confused of what’s happening, mad very easy if you say the wrong thing

Bio: Alex somewhat acts like Jeff Hardy from the WWE and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2 put together in one person. Alex makes friends and enemies really easy. Never backs down from a challenge. Been seeing Duel Spirit since the age of 10. Always looking for a good time with friends and family


To look for cards, go to this site: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-197858.html

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Submission/Application Form for Other Characters



Name: Rufus Mercus

Favorite Card: Beast King Barbaros

[spoiler=Deck: "Furry Army Pile" (contains Beast-Warrior, Beast, and Warrior-Type monsters and interchangeable support for each type. Synchro Monsters thrown in for good measure, but mainly so that "Ose Hallel" wouldn't be his only Synchro Monster.)]


Main Deck

Ose x1

Lycan Knight x2

Decker the Hypergrinder x2

Rai Teddy x2

Soul Drainer Anubis 2

Tiger Paladin x1

Warrior of the Desert x2

Fursuit x2

Heretic Torture Device x1

King x1

King of the Beasts x1

Melee Weretiger x1

Jackal Fighter x2

Sudden Tranfurmation x2

Dweller of the Cave x2

Heat Wave Chimera x2

Russell "Taurus" Oxford x1

Curse of the Blue Moon x2

Beast King Barbaros x3

Elemental Hero Wildheart x2

Wild Nature's Release x2

Beast Synergy x2

Ancient Crimson Ape x1

Draining Shield x3

Magic Cylinder x1

Negate Attack x2

Frequency Magician x2

The A. Forces x2

Mage Power x2

Level Eater x3

Burden of the Mighty x2

Moja x3

Beast Striker x3


Extra Deck

Ose Hallel x1

Stardust Dragon x2

Red Dragon Archfiend x2

Dark Strike Fighter x1


Antagonist or Protagonist?: Neutral

Personality: Normally a good-natured guy, though he can become devious and angry sometimes.

Bio: TBA

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Name: Trevor Rhodes [Has no relation with Alexis Rhodes from GX. Just to let you know.]

Favorite Card: Sorcerer of Dark Magic

Deck: Spellcaster's Force

Antagonist or Protagonist?: Protagonist

Personality: He is usually laid back and relaxed. When he's dueling, he is serious and gets frustrated when he starts to lose. He is also very sarcastic.

Bio: TBA

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