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Bazoo Kitteh

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Monsters: 18


3: Bazoo the Soul Eater

3: Dimensional Alchemist

3: X Saber Airbellum

2: Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

2: Des Koala

2: Super Hamester

1: Dark Panther

1: Rescue Cat

1: Sangan


Spells: 12


3: Smashing Ground

3: Fissure

2: Book of Moon

2: Gold Sarcophagus

1: Heavy Storm

1: Giant Trunade


Traps: 10


2: Dimensional Prison

2: Bottomless Traphole

2: Royal Opression

1: Torrential Tribute

1: Solemn Judgment

1: Mirror Force

1: Return from Different Dimension


I have no idea if the deck works or not, its just a fun idea to use Bazoo to remove Kitteh and then use Alchemist to reuse it.

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