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Grave Stalkers+ Great Synchro


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This monster is treated as a DARK monster while it is in your Deck or Graveyard. This card cannot be selected as an attack target if there are no monsters in your Graveyard. Once per turn, you can send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard to remove from play one random card in your opponent's hand. If it is a monster, you can increase this card's ATK equal to halve of the removed monster's ATK until the End Phase of the turn.



When this card is Summoned, Declare one card. If your opponent does not have that card in their Deck, hand, or field, destroy this card. Instead of conducting your Draw Phase, you can add one DARK Zombie- Type monster card from your Deck to your hand.



When this card is Summoned, select one card on your opponent's field. This card cannot be removed from the field as long as the selected card is not removed from play. Once per turn, you must remove from play a card in your opponent's Graveyard. If there are no cards in your opponent's Graveyard, destroy this card.



Once while this card is on the field, you can Special Summon one "Grave Stalker" monster from your Deck. Then select one card on the field, until that card is sent to the Graveyard, the Special Summoned monster cannot be removed from the field, but they can be used in a Synchro Summon without going to the Graveyard.


And now -ow -ow- -ow


The main -ain -ain event -ent -ent -ent



The Immortal Monster that is similar to Yugioh's Kalin's Death Infernity monster that kept him alive even though his life points were at 0.















duh- du














1 Tuner monster+ One or more Zombie- Type monsters

This card cannot be destroyed while there are cards in your opponent's hand. Once per turn, you can have your opponent draw one card. It is sent to the Graveyard at the End Phase of the turn it was drawn. If this card is face-up on the field, your Life Points cannot be decreased anymore when it reaches 1500 or lower.

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all right...lets get started >:D

1-"Gravestalker-Righteous Harvester of Souls"


-last effect should go like "If it is a monster, you can increase this card's ATK equal to half of the discarded card until the End Phase of the next turn." (also just make it last for 1 turn instead of 3)

-its pretty powerful for a 4-star, might i suggest making it either a 5 or 6 star?


I like how you added a Death Immortal and had a similar effect to the other Death Immortals



+interesting effect, nice concept, incorporating previous archetypes into your own

-no background, some OCG errors but they are very small

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shame only the first one had a background


just say DARK monster, not DARK Attribute monster


deck should be Deck


"If it is a monster, you can increase this card's ATK equal to halve the End Phase of the next turn." <---I don't quite see how much you're boosting the atk by here


for Slice Dice, it's not name one card. It should be "Declare one card in your opponent's Deck." I'd remove the field part because you'd obviously know if your opponent has it on the field or not.



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Yes, but it could be a continous card that your opponent would want to get rid of. That is meant to be one of that card's weaknesses. I updated the OCG and Righteous Harvester of Souls. Oh and in response to the backround, I couldn't ruin it with my crappy backround editing. I didn't want to ruin the others with obvious looking computer editing.

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