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1st attempt at a Pokemon Sprite


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It's bad. I can still see the Hitmontop head, showing that you was to lazy to get rid of it. There are multiple light sources (lolJappio) which seem to be coming from the front and the back. Borders aren't recoloured. Don't like Tail Position either, just seems awkward.

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I am dissapointed with all of you. I can't believe you guys haven't pointed out the OBVIOUS mistake. I mean unrecolored borders is one thing, but when it comes to sprites like this, I honestly expect almost every post to just be blind yelling about how this sprite isn't .png. I suppose I will be the first the point it out, and the one to explain it.


Save as .PNG: This is an important step. Whenever you save, the first, the last, and all the times in between, you need to save as a ".PNG". It's an important thing to pay attention to. If ignored, things turn out like yours did. Details/quality is dropped in other formats, so .PNG is the way to go with anything spriting. Mess it up once ever, and the quality could be gone forever. Issues can arise when uploading, so make sure the uploader you are using doesn't covert the image to something else either.

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