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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Movie Contest!


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Hey, Johnny Rider here and I've got some interesting news. It appears that a Yu-Gi-Oh GX Movie is in the works. Jaden and friends have to save the world from an evil madman named Jonas Matrix. Think Pegasus mixed with Sartorious. Well here's the deal. I've found out a few new characters, events, and monster cards that will be appearing in the movie (see the list), so I need to see some creative masterpieces. The goal, make a card based on the person, event, or monster. You make the effect. The prize is 6 reps. The contest ends on January 1st.




Jonas Matrix (Evil Psycho)

Simon (Duelist)

Lawrence Wheeler (Son of Joey Wheeler)

"Diamond" Luke Rhodes (Father of Alexis)





The Dominion Tournament (Tournament in movie)

Into the Shadow Realm (Everyone goes to Shadow Realm)

The Duel (Duel between Jaden and Matrix)

Evil Unleashed (Matrix becomes an evil monster)



Monster Cards


Matrix (evil monster form)

Elemental Hero - Omega

Elemental Hero - Alpha

Elemental Hero - Armageddon

Destiny Hero - Blaze Knight

War Hounds

Nexus Dragon

Nexus Knight

Nexus Lord - Damelious


Demonic Ressurection


Note : Characters not in the movie include Zane Truesdale, Adrian Gekko, Professor Bonapart, Jubel, and Pharow (the cat).


However Lyman Banner will be ressurected in the movie by Jonas Matrix. Jonas ressurects him as his minion, but Banner betrays him. Jonas uses Dark World cards as well as new cards. I'll post more info about the movie as soon as I get it.

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