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My machine deck


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Just wondering how would you guys rate my machine deck. I just built it 2 weeks ago and wondering what else to add and what else I need to remove.



Machina Fortress

Machina Force

Cyber Dragon


Machina Peackeeper

Machina Sniper

Machina Defender

Machina Soldier

Machina Gearframe

Green Gadget

Yellow Gadget

Red Gadet

Ally of Justice Garadholg

Blast Sphere

Commander Covington

Card Trooper

Gear Golem the Moving Fortress

Ducker Mobile Cannon

Scrap Recycler

Dark Catapulter

Armored Cybern

Kinetic Soldier



Roll Out!

Compulsory Evacuation Device

Drastic Drop Off

Time Machine

Magic Cylinder

Dimensional Prison

Widespread Ruin

Bottomless Trap Hole



Pot of Avarice

2x Swords of Revealing Light

Wave-Motion Cannon

Fairy Meteor Crush

Machina Armored Unit

Lighting Vortex

Monster Reincarnation


Heavy Storm

United We Stand

Mystical Space Typhoon

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No' date=' just no.


Monsters - 20


Machina Fortress x3

Machina Gearframe x3

Machina Peacekeeper x2

Machina Force x2

Cyber Dragon x2

Green Gadget x2

Red Gagdet x2

Yellow Gadget x2

Plaguespreader Zombie x1

Card Trooper x1


Spells - 10


Smashing Ground x3

Fissure x2

Limiter Removal x1

Heavy Storm x1

Foolish Burial x1

Pot of Avarice x1

My Body As a Shield x1


Traps - 10


Dimensional Prison x3

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Torrential Tribute x1

Starlight Road x2

Royal Oppresion x2


Im still working on it at the moment, so this isn't my final version. But please, just run this and it will be much better ._.


If you have no money, run cheaper cards, replace a card here and there and your done.


Just work something close to this and you will be fine.



Also this is the traditional section, so you should be using banned cards.

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