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500 points celebration Dragon contest on!!! Results are out! Please Lock

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Yo, Members! To celebrate reaching my 500th post, I decided to host a contest. This is a short, 1 round contest, where anyone can show their card-making skills. Here are the rules:


1) No spamming, flamming or trolling.

2) Anyone can join, but you have to join and post your card before the end date.

3)The end date is 1/4/10.


Card Criteria:

1)A monster card that is Level 8 or lower.

2)It has to be a Dragon-type.

3) The card should be balanced and have an effect.

4) Please, no Dark Synchros.

5) The rating for the cards will be /100.

Picture- /30

OCG- /30

Dragon-type- /10

Lv 8 or lower- /10

Effect- /20


Oh, and the entry fee is 10 points.


Here are the prizes:


1st:50 points+ 1 Rep

2nd: 20 points+ 1 Rep

3rd: 1 Rep



1) Parion555

2) fastlearner8

3) XgorzX

4) Cornholio

5) Frex

6) lightdiversion

7) Sidepipe


The judge is ChaosIncarn.




Picture- 24/30

OCG- 27/30

Dragon-type- 10/10

Lv 8 or lower- 10/10

Effect- 3/20




Picture- 0/30

OCG- 0/30

Dragon-type- 0/10

Lv 8 or lower- 0/10

Effect- 0/20




Picture- 0/30

OCG- 0/30

Dragon-type- 0/10

Lv 8 or lower- 0/10

Effect- 0/20




Picture- 0/30

OCG- 0/30

Dragon-type- 0/10

Lv 8 or lower- 0/10

Effect- 0/20




Picture- 19/30

OCG- 29/30

Dragon-type- 10/10

Lv 8 or lower- 10/10

Effect- 16/20




Picture- 21/30

OCG- 14/30

Dragon-type- 10/10

Lv 8 or lower- 10/10

Effect- 12/20




Picture- 20/30

OCG- 10/30

Dragon-type- 10/10

Lv 8 or lower- 10/10

Effect- 2/20



1st: Frex

2nd: Parion555

3rd: lightdiversion


Alright! Please join and good luck! :P

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Okay so i'm using this card in another contest as well hope you don't mind.Oh and if you can't read the name,it's called Blasting Mountain Dragon.Here it is:




Lore:1 Tuner Monster + 1 or more Non Tuner Monster(s)


When this card is Summoned, you can select and send 1 EARTH Monster from your Deck to your Graveyard. This card gains that Monster's effect until the End Phase. When this card destroyes a Non-EARTH Monster by battle, you can remove from play 2 EARTH Monsters in your Graveyard to inflict Damage to your opponent equal to half the destroyed Monster's ATK. When this card is selected as an effect target, you can remove from play 1 EARTH Monster in your Graveyard to negate the activation of the effect and destroy the activated card. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can remove from play 5 EARTH Monsters from your Deck and Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. This effect can only be activated once. If this effect is activated, remove this card from play when it's removed from the field. When this effect is activated and this card is Special Summoned, you can remove from play all EARTH Monsters in your Deck to have this card gain 800 ATK, until the End Phase. If this effect is activated, this card is removed from play During the End Phase. When this card is removed from play, return all of your removed from play EARTH Monsters to your Deck. When this card is removed from play, take Damage equal to this card's ATK.

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I'm in:


You can reveal 1 Dragon-Type monster in your hand to treat this card's name as "Lord of D." until the End Phase. Once per turn, you can pay 500 Life Points to negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect that targets a Dragon-Type monster and destroy that card. You can activate this effect during either player's turn.

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i'm in


[spoiler=lore] This card is also treated as Machine-Type monster. Once per turn you can discard 1 card from your hand to inflict 400 damage to your opponent. If this card is in Defense Position during your End Phase, at your next Battle Phase, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly.Each time this effect is activated, decrease this card's ATK by 200.


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