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My friends say its Soitsu i DONT REALY AGREE.

Cause back when we were n00bs we had a duel my friend had ...obelsik the tormentor [oh no] i HAD soitsu i used creature swap and attacked soitsu.

1 friend who used to duel with the Gods since a few months ago also said you are allowed to use them I said how,he said casue we are not playing by the offical rules [he also said we should be able to summon twice per turn] I was like only n00bs don't play by the official rules.

No card is useless the all have a strategy with them and the gods they will make a good profit to some collector so I say none.

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Out of all of the playable cards' date=' in Advanced, it would be Thousand Eyes Idol, Anti-Reigeki, White Hole, Gryphon(sp?) Wing, and Jar Robber. In Traditional, probably [b']Dancing Elf[/b].


WHAT! Dont bag the Dancing Elf! She dances her way to win her duels, then she bores others with her mighty 300 ATK


honestly yeah she sucks big time

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Out of all of the playable cards' date=' in Advanced, it would be Thousand Eyes Idol, Anti-Reigeki, White Hole, Gryphon(sp?) Wing, and Jar Robber. In Traditional, probably [b']Dancing Elf[/b].


WHAT! Dont bag the Dancing Elf! She dances her way to win her duels, then she bores others with her mighty 300 ATK


honestly yeah she sucks big time


Dude, I was about to say... :shock:


Egyptian gods!!! You CANNOT use them!


of course you can use them... you can trade them to noobs for jinzos


Not anymore... And I never knew noobs have Jinzos?!? :D


Yeah. Thats what I did, but instead of getting a Jinzo, I got about 12 Ultra Rares.

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hmmm... i once traded a fake Obelisk for a Blue-Eyes White Dragon... go figure


nope.... there not getting clever.... Zane uses Cyber Dragons in the Anime... thats why you probably cant get it off them... LETS ALL TRADE THEM RAINBOW DRAGONS AND E-HEROES :l

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omfg hahahaha i have just looked in my cards and found this a funking morinphen i tribute 1550 atk normail hahahahahahahaha omfg


yes this is the worst catd ever it needs a tribute couldnt rele do ANYTHING


at least tei can be set to protect you this cant as it need a tribute


and fusionist may be sheet but it is a special summon so could be used as the tribute for saaay...morinphen

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