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PMD: Conflicting Salvations [PG-13][Not Accepting][Started]


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Nadia turned her head around to see who had called though she already knew. Tears were still coming and she was still sobbing a bit. With Saul around she quickly tried to stifle them as she hated being sad or angry around her friends. She turned around to face him.

"I'm fine Saul. You don't have to try and make me feel better though. Zac has no reason to lie to me. I'm not sure what happened. I guess, after looking so hard for you all I couldn't take not being trusted even though I know it makes sense not to trust me. ....... Even you don't trust me right now, don't you Saul? You're just as suspicious as the rest of them. .......I know it makes sense.... but I wasn't expecting it. I really wasn't expecting it. I just thought we'd be too happy to see each other. I didn't think anything would be complicated, I didn't think you all would get caught up in some fight going on in some world we hardly know how we got to in the first place. But's it's not that simple is it?" Nadia said her tears coming out again as she spoke. She wasn't even sure of what she was saying anymore. Or rather, she was mostly just voicing her thoughts as they came. If she wasn't careful she might reveal something she didn't mean to.


"Saul, tell me it's going to be okay." she said suddenly. It wasn't something she ever did, searching for emotional support from others that is. But right now she was quite emotional.

"Just tell me we're all going to be okay. Tell me we'll all get home safe. Tell me I'll be able to get back to my mother before much longer. I need to hear it from someone because I can't make myself believe it right now." she said full on crying anew.

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Zac looked at Roran. 'We sit and wait; blast Saul, always after the damsel in distress. I'm not too trusting of her because something clearly seems off. Most of us wouldn't see it because we were just glad she's back, which is what Roran had been sucked into. I guess I'm a little too paranoid to fully trust her, someone that has obviously been with Ho-oh would be changed if the hypnosis took place. Besides, Nadia WOULDN'T come looking for us, she'd be too distraught. Funny how a person whose negative emotions consume them when alone could journey quite a distance alone, don't you think?'

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"It is not always the way of a Pokemon to be so open and express themselves freely," Kyker interjected, her arms crossed, her legs folded in a yoga position, her eyes shut. Rarely had Kyker ever been so still, or folding her legs and arms; normally she liked to take up the most space. "You should not have been so open; you could clearly tell that Nadia had, in some way, been tricked into believing Ho-oh's path is the right way. Whatever you say would not have persuaded her; what she needs is time - and perhaps evidence before her eyes. Nevertheless, I hope Saul can convince her - she is, after all, your friend, and one of the gem bearers, nay?"


It was almost as if a completely different person had overtaken Kyker; she was in one of her "mystical" moods again, a basic she had been taught at fighting school whilst she had still been a Tyrogue. It was really a useful extension on her training, the words of her ancient tutor - a Hariyama - still ringing in her head until this day. A good fighter must be balanced and poised at all times ... this will help you find your focus, and then your balance.

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[spoiler=ooc, BrokenHeart especially, please read]

I'm going to ask you now: Stop Meta-gaming. When did the information on Nadia's personality ever get told in game to the characters? Never. Sure they'll know that she seems sort of off at times but there is no way they could know how she is when she's alone by the very nature of that being how she is when she's alone. She doesn't confide the information in anyone so they can't know what goes on with her when she's alone. Now I'm not asking for edit but if you feel like it you can. Now don't go doing it again. Thank you very much. That goes for the rest of you as well.


A note to everyone, Dark Lighting is currently unable to post and now that I know she's not just being inactive, I'll be momentarily taking control of Jordan.





"That wasn't necessary Zac." Jordan said suddenly. She seemed a bit irritated.

"Regardless of what's actually going on you didn't have to do that to Nadia! Even if she's being lied to that was a sincere reaction just now. You couldn't just be happy to see her for now couldn't you? When she gets back, please don't try to bring it up again. Give her some time at the least." Jordan said. She didn't want to believe Nadia was at this moment lying to them. Even if things seemed suspicious Jordan just wanted the group together again. They were the only people she could really trust.


As the groups discussed the situation, things were shifting around them. Then out of no where a Roselia appeared in the middle of the group. She didn't stay long and in a flash she was gone. Then all at once five attacks launched out at the group. Bullet seeds were flying at Kyker, a Psy Wave was flying at Zac, a Poison Sting launched at Roran, a Fire Wheel flew out at Jason, and a Bubble Beam was coming towards Jordan. It seemed enemies were on all sides.

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Guest Tainted Black

Saul stayed where he was, remaining wary of Nadia, but his heart breaking at the site, although his heart was presently digital. "Nadia... Zac just got ahead of himself. He thought that a prank would lighten the mood, and make us all more comfortable." He almost winced at the lie, but held himself firm. "And of course it will be alright," He continued, sure in his conviction of their salvation. "We just need to work our way back, alright?" He moved his head in a motion that indicated smiling. "Now, get out of the dumps, and come back. I', sure they are getting onto Zac, and he'll apologize, k?" He purposely avoided her question about trust. He did not want to wound her with the truth.

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"Oh no, ambush! Why did we stay still for so long?" Roran was quickly hit by a barb of poison, more notably called Poison Sting. "Not something I thought I would be feeling any time in my life." Roran felt the barb scrap across his skin as he jumped to the side. "Ow, that's not fun at all. I'm starting to feel... woozy and sick." Roran bent down, but launched a Hypnosis in the direction of where the Poison Sting came from. Please let.... it... hit. I... won't... be... able... to fight now... Roran fell right down to the ground and winced in pain. Can't take... it. Too... much pain...

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"You won't talk to me either...." Nadia mumbled. Saul couldn't hear it she said it so softly but he did see her mouth move.

"You don't want to talk to me either..." she said a bit louder, finally audible this time.

"You don't trust me...." she said, again audible. She began walking back looking down the whole time. She walked right past Saul as she did so. Saul thought for a second that the normally colorless jewel around her neck shined a deep red but it was so fast he couldn't be sure.

"It's come to this. Flos, I trust you. Please help them." she thought as she moved along.

The two moved off to get back to the others, not that Nadia was in any mood to go back.


The rest of the group, minus Roran, barely managed to avoid getting hit directly but they were all grazed. Out of the surrounding area stepped a Starmie, a Kirlia, a Beedrill, a Grovyle, and a Quilava. Well, four stepped out, the Beedrill fell over asleep, hit by the hypnosis. They quickly separated off to fight each of the pokemon in the group. The Starmie moved to take Jordan, the Kirlia moved to take Zac, the Grovyle moved to take Kyker, and the Quilava moved to take Jason.


As Saul and Nadia continued on, Nadia said nothing, kept her distance, and never stopped looking down. Shortly they heard what sounded like moves colliding. It had to be the rest of the group in danger and it concerned Saul but gave Nadia a bit of hope as it was most likely Flos, though she didn't show it at all.

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OOC: You know what, you're quite right. I was getting ahead of myself.


Zac was rattled by the psywave that grazed him and thudded to the ground before getting back up; he glowered at the Kirlia who attacked him. His mind had felt like a few needles had impaled his mind. 'Oh, it's on now, no one sucker strikes me' he growled before zipping into a tree. He moved his face just outside the tree. 'We're going to play a game, you try to attack me as I hide in trees. The winner is whoever get's knocked out first' he said as he moved back into the tree.

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Kyker's eyebrows met to form a dangerous 'V' as she snapped out of her mystical position and looked ready to fight. She stared at the Grovyle, trying to figure what level they were. She knew it must be around the same level as her; even if it wasn't, she was still confident she could deal substantial damage to it. After all, she had done well enough for herself, to have reached the stage where she knew Rapid Spin.


"Come on, let's see what you've got," said Kyker as she suddenly spun around furiously like a battle top, her legs in splits, her arms folded to her chest to allow herself to shoot more speedily. Just like she had shot towards Jirachi's house, she had built up so much speed, and was heading at such a rapid pace, a huge cloud of dust and crudely trimmed grass literally shielded the two Pokemon from view, making it hard for anyone outside of that cloud to see what was happening ... or inside for that matter, including Kyker herself, but she was used to it anyway. Kyker could only hope the Grovyle wouldn't be able to see long enough to feel her kicks land heavily on its body.

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Jason gulped, taking a step back as the Quilava advanced on him. "H-hey...we d-don't need to settle this w-with a fight, d-do we?!" he cried, trying to knock some sense into the Pokemon. Getting no response, Jason continued backing away from the Quilava. He had no desire to fight, just to help his friends, and now apologize for causing Nadia to run off. He shook his head. I just can't say the right thing, can I? And what can I do against a Quilava?! It's the evolved form of a Cyndaquil, and I'm just an Eevee. I don't stand a chance!...But...but I have to try!! Stopping, Jason let out (what he thought was) a ferocious growl. "You wanna fight? Come get me!"

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The Kirlia seemed rather undisturbed by Zac fading into nearby trees. She didn't say anything either. Instead, she just launched another Psy Wave at the general area Zac was in. It wasn't precise but that didn't seem to be her intent. Right now she just wanted Zac out in the open. Being a Gastly, he would also be weak to psychic attacks.


The Quilava said nothing. It just stared at Jason and after he let out a yell the flames on its head and back flared up again. They formed a circle and flew outward. Another Flame Wheel was coming Jason's way.


The Grovyle seemed unshaken by the loss of visibility provided by Kyker's movements. Instead it just held its arms up crossed. The leaves stopped moving in the wind and began glowing white. He was preparing Fury Cutter and meant to meet Kyker's charge head-on.


Jordan wasn't in a good position. For one, she didn't have much on her side in the ways of moves and what she did have wasn't going to be all that effective against a Starmie anyway. Then an idea came to her mind.

"I can use Roar. With any luck, it might scare the Starmie and the others away. Or at the least it could set them off balance." she thought. She let off a roar as the starmie aimed a water gun. The Starmie flinched but did not flee. The roar also failed to affect anything other than the Starmie. At the least it didn't attack. Jordan felt a bit odd after the roar. It had been more like a loud puppy bark which might be why it didn't work all that well. Regardless she had a small opening and ran forward with a Tackle. The Starmie evaded just in time to not take a full hit, but still got a glancing blow.

"Okay, I just might be able to do this." Jordan said softly as she stopped moving.

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We all live in a Yellow Submarine... Roran was out of it. The poison was just so painful he was having trouble lying down on the hard ground. Must.... Help.... Friends.... Can't... Lie.... Here..... All.... Day... Roran slowly staggured to his feet and looked in the direction he heard growling coming from. Jason, Kyker, Jordan, Zac. I'm sorry. Roran shot a Shadow Ball straight at the Starmie in front of Jordan. Must help as long as I can. Roran's vision had grown quite fuzzy in these few seconds, and he had completely ran out of energy. Keep fighting... until the end.

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Jason had thought he would act brave and charge the Quilava, or at least counter its charge. He was completely unprepared for the second Flame Wheel, and tried to jump out of the way. As he jumped, it hit him, slamming him backwards. He hit the ground with an "oomph!", and could smell singed fur. It stank much worse than he thought it would. He groaned, and pushed himself up. "Alright then..." he said, "how about...a Quick Attack?!" Jason unleashed his attack, and launched at the Quilava, almost positive that he would not miss his target.

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Gastly could feel the wave coming and ejected himself from the tree. His brow creased at the Kirlia as he turned tail and flew off into the woods, constantly moving into trees to protect himself. 'These guys are by far too powerful. This is definately another of Ho-oh ambushes. By the way this keeps up, we'll all be captured. I can't let that happen, but how can I stop them?' he questioned as a new thought entered his mind. 'That could work, I have nothing to lose, except four sets of friendship and trust. But it's for them, no way could Ho-oh or his men resist bait that tasty' he decided as his little gaseous body stopped in a foggy clearing, he was cerain that he was far enough from the conflict. 'Kirlia, cease your attacks, I only want to talk' he announced loudly.

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Fury Cutter! That Grovyle is at least level sixteen .... if he uses Leaf Blade, that's it, he's higher than me ... if he has Screech, then we're roughly equal, Kyker thought to herself. Right now, there were two possibilities; cancel the attack, shrink back, and strike again, OR go even faster and hope speed will suffice to force him to end his attack. She decided to go for the second option; she would never ever back down, even if it meant certain death. Wait, why am I panicking? Yes, on paper, Grovyle may theoretically be faster, but theoretically I should deal more damage in a single blow than he does. I don't rival in speed, but I excel in strength. Immediately, Kyker looked even crosser as she extended her arms to give herself more speed as she still speedily hurtled towards the Grovyle. THIS BATTLE WILL BE MINE!


"POWERRRRRRRR!" she yelled in a tone so loud anyone outside of the dust cloud could have heard her. With confidence (perhaps too much?) she continued to aim at the Grovyle, now moving with extremely startling speed. But was it enough?


OOC: small reference to a TV show/personality there ;)

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Zac's words seemed to have no effect on the Kirlia. It still said nothing and instead of considering negotiation, she saw an opportunity to knock the air born ghost out cold. The Kirlia put both her hands out and the whole area seemed to go dark, at least to Zac's perception. The Kirlia's hands started glowing blue and suddenly the whole area seemed to glow that same color. It was the move Confusion and Zac had very little time to dodge it.


The Quilava didn't even seem glad that its attack had landed on Jason. It seemed all that mattered was fighting Jason. Jason was hit but quickly launched a counter. The Quick Attack lived up to its name and hit the Quilava head on. The Quilava flew back a few feet but quickly regained its balance. Getting hit didn't seem to anger it. There was something clearly off with this attacker. As if all it could do was the one move it had the Quilava launched another Flame Wheel at the Eevee.


Kyker was building up power rather well as the storm of dust being kicked up by her indicated. The Grovyle seemed unimpressed however and simply stood his ground, though he leaned forward a bit now. Kyker came crashing in at high speed and the Grovyle was surprisingly not blown away, though it was clear holding Kyker Back was not easy. The Fury Cutter clashed with Kyker but due to her rotation the attack was not given time to really sink into one area and do any good damage. Eventually Kyker powered through and the Grovyle was knocked up a bit into the air. Kyker kept moving slightly past where the Grovyle had been standing. Then the Grovyle seemed to regain its focus and balance in midair and then its left leaf stopped glowing white and started glowing green. He flung his arm and the attack launched off to follow Kyker. As she had feared, Leaf Blade was on its way.


The Shadow Ball Roran launched took an odd path, due in part to his lack of energy and focus at the moment. It came and impacted on the Starmie's back. The Starmie had just been preparing a Water Gun to hit Jordan with and when the Shadow Ball hit the attack came out as well. Of course the Water Gun was not aimed at all and the Starmie crashed into the side of the pass. Jordan took the opportunity given to her by Roran's attack and rushed in for a bite. The attack connected but the Starmie seemed unfazed. Odd considering teeth were digging into its back. In the midst of Jordan's grip, the Starmie shot off a swift attack and it knocked Jordan off and right next to Roran. He didn't seem like he'd be able to do much more in the fight. He had been hit by a Poison Sting after all.

"Roran! Are you okay?" she said a bit concerned.

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Jason panted, and leaped backward in an attempt to dodge the new Flame Wheel. Doesn't this Quilava know any other moves?! he cried silently. Panting, he stopped; the Flame Wheel kept coming, however, and slammed right into him. This time, Jason flew back a good fifteen feet, before landing hard in the grass. Groaning, Jason struggled to push himself back to his feet. I...will...not..."LOSE!!" He cried out the last word, before charging the Quilava. He ran until he was close to the Quilava, dodging Flame Wheels, and then launched an all-out Tackle attack, launching his entire weight, with the added power of the move, on his opponent.

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Guest Tainted Black

Saul heard the chaos and cacaphony more than he saw it, and Nadia seemed to stop, but was otherwise unphased. Were his doubts in her actually founded? There was no way, but... "Nadia! Why did you stop?!" He yelled "Do you not hear the fighting?! They could be injured!" He pulled up alongside the fox, and moved in front of her, so close he could feel her breath. "Well?! I want to believe you, but doing stuff liek this... Agh!" He said, immediately regretting it. Still, it had been done. "I tried to make you feel better after Zac lied, and you stop?! Fine!" He headed off towards the fight as fast as he could muster.

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"Jordan. I.. should be... once I have rested. Sadly I don't know if I'll get the time to soon. Focus on your fight. I'll be fine." Roran sat down and tried to focus on getting the poison out of his system. I must survive, and... help in.... some way. I can't let this stop me. Roran noticed the cloud of dust that had formed around Kyker and the Grovyle. The Starmie that seemed to be unhurtable. The last thing he noticed was something that lifted his spirits, Saul was heading their direction. Another can help tip balance. Saul has proven that he can handle a fight with little trouble.

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This post is just to reply for Nadia. I will reply to the fights once everyone in one has given one response. So right now that means after BrokenHeart and Magnet reply.




Nadia watched as Saul left her standing there. Her tears stopped all at once. It was a truly strange feeling she had and she couldn't describe it. Somehow she was more at peace now. Everything seemed a bit easier. It made no sense but that was how she felt. Saul was already out of earshot when Nadia began speaking to herself.

"So that's it then. You're all caught up in Lugia's lies. You don't trust me, you don't even want to talk to me. You don't realize that I'm trying to help. You all don't understand. But it's okay. I'll help you. Flos will help you. You'll all be okay before much longer." she said. She began walking slowly off to the scene of the battlefield. No doubt Flos was already attacking. And though Flos' plan hadn't counted on it, Nadia would be helping. Now that she knew her friends were beyond her help, she wouldn't stop herself from using force to help them.

"I'll do whatever it takes to help you all! I don't care if I have to fight everyone of you myself, you're all coming back with me!" she said. She was sure not to yell so Saul wouldn't look back. The jewel about her neck began glowing a bright red. She made her way slowly to the battle so as to get a surprise attack on her friends.

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Zac could do nothing as everything went blue and he assaulted by the violent psychic energy. He fell to the ground with little swirls for eyes, his mouth was hanging open, possibly from shock. 'All I wanted to do was talk, you sucker punching b***h. I had a proposition for you to consider, which would've benefitted you, such a shame you have little regard for tha-' he croaked and fainted before the statement was finished.

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"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa-" before Kyker could even finish, the blade hit her on the shins. Perhaps fortunately for her, she had trained herself to try and withstand as much pain as possible; although it still hurt that she got hit, she felt capable enough to try and strike back, as if barely anything had happened. Looks like I'll have to confuse you. She then spun rapidly, and moved into towards the Grovyle again.


At first, it seemed as if she was going to try and do rapid spin again, before she suddenly collapsed onto the ground and rolled at Grovyle, making it seem as if she would attempt a rolling kick instead. Just when she was nearing, she suddenly pushed herself off the ground, her feet within the length of the Grovyle's chin. Hoping she had confused it enough, she began to land the first of three blows, ready to conduct her signature move - her triple kick.

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Zac seemed to be out but instead of continuing the assault, as the Kirlia had shown that that was what she intended to do up to this point, the Kirlia sort of stopped. She walked towards Zac as if wary he would regain consciousness. Her guard was down for once but there was no chance that a Gastly could have taken a direct hit of Confusion and still be up. Still, it never hurt to be a bit careful.


Jason charged straight through the Quilava's assault and continued to doge the various Flame Wheels. Just as the Quilava began preparing another Jason came in with the Tackle he'd put a decent bit of energy and power into doing. The attack hit the unprepared Quilava right on in the head and sent it flying into the wall of the pass about eight feet back. The thud was quite distinct, the attack had clearly hurt. The Quilava got on its feet but seemed disoriented and didn't prepare another attack.


Though the Grovyle had been able to get Leaf Blade off in the air he had not been in a good position to land. After launching the attack he landed on his side and began getting up and right as he did Kyker was already upon him. He prepared his Fury Cutters for what seemed to be another direct assault only to have Kyker move in an unpredicted fashion. Not ready for the sudden change, Kyker's initial blow landed full-on.


"If you're okay. Don't worry, I'll win this one." Jordan said. She knew she had to keep the Starmie away from Roran, he wouldn't be able to stay up for much longer if the Starmie was able to get him at all.

"Darn it! This Starmie is tough. It doesn't flinch when it gets hit and continues like nothing happened! I don't exactly have a lot of options here. What to do?" Jordan thought.

As Jordan thought she saw the Starmie start to glow. Before she knew what was happening the iridescent glow spread to the Starmie's injuries and they disappeared. The Starmie had just used Recover.

"Darn it!" Jordan said as she went in for another Bite. The Starmie fired a Water Gun and blasted Jordan right back where she had been standing next to Roran. She got up from the attack, now very tired.

"This isn't going well." she said softly, her breathing now heavy from the attacks.


Saul was fast approaching on the scene and saw a good bit of chaos. All at once he saw Zac fall to the ground after a Kirlia's Confusion, Kyker confuse and get an attack in on a Grovyle, Jordan get blasted by a Starmie's Water Gun, Jason charging and bashing into a Quilava, a Beedrill passed out on the sidelines and Roran near Jordan looking quite tired. He wasn't sure where to start. And before he could decide the choice was taken from him.


A Roselia appeared before Saul before he could get to any of his friends. Saul noticed traces of fog appear at the edges of the pass as she entered.

"You're the little leader here aren't you? So, how's the show? Quite fascinating really. Each of your friends is doing so much and yet it doesn't seem to be going well for a few of them. I'm sure you'd love to rush off to help them.... but I can't let you do that. I'll have to stop you here. But I must ask, do you think it was wise to leave that Vulpix alone? For all you know she may already be in great danger without you around. Regardless it doesn't matter. The next thing you know... well I'll save the surprise for later." the Roselia said. She made no move to attack but made a bit of a bow as if to say Saul had the first move.

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Guest Tainted Black

Saul's eyes narrowed as he stared at Flos. "I don't know who you are, or why you are here, beyond fell orders, but I do know this- You should not know about 'that Vulpix', as you so eloquently put it." He mumbled something very low, which was unable to be heard by Flos. He had said "Conversion two", and his body did not change much, just grew half a shade darker as he became poison. "Since you won't get out of the way, I'll say this. Ladies first, you wilting Rose." He just glared at Flos, awaiting the Roselia's move.

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"Well, this thing knows Recover. That means we... won't be able to beat it... quickly. It'll... just stall over and over.... until we run out of energy. I should be able to stand long enough to help... take this thing... down. Are you ready?" Roran stood and walked over to Jordan. The Beedrill had not awoken yet. As soon as that thing awakes I am in some trouble. I could take it out with Confusion. I should focus on the Starmie.. So.. much pain. Roran started to focus on minipulating the energy that resides inside him. CONFUSION He shouted this inside his head because he wasn't about to wake up the Beedrill. He noticed a figure that had cut off Saul from the rest of the group. Come on, we need Saul NOW.

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