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Keena 3 a Lush and Tropical Paradise discovered in the Illate System in the Year of 2256 by mistake, because of a Computer Navigation Error an unnamed Cargo Frigate. 78% of the Planet is covered in Sapphire Blue Oceans, its Land Masses covered in an Abundance of Thick Green Growth. After its Initial Discovery the most predominant ruling body within the Tri-System of Planetary Rule the United Imperial Government had sent Various Expeditions to Map out the Plane. In a few Short Years after the First Expedition the Majority of the Land Areas were Transformed into Major Metropolises and Major Mining Operation had commenced due to the Initial Discoveries of Vast Amounts of Metal compounds deep in the Planets Surface.


However because of the Explosive Growth in the Population the Paradise wasn’t Appeal to hold its Peaceful Aura of Tranquility and in the Tenth Year of the finding of the Planet Imperial Scientist discovered a means to hold the Peace with Increased Performance, with the creation of the X-Drive engine the first Mobile Suit came to existence, the X-Drive is powered by a Process Reverse Magnetism and Semi-Atomic Particles that Constantly Renew themselves when Thermally Charged. Called the A112 Model came onto the Streets, or commonly called "Crushers" due to their extreme weight leaving square like imprints and minor ground vibrations in their wake. More or less a walking box the A112 soon came to an end as Newer Models started coming from Imperial Robotics Factories.


In Year Fifteen of the Plants Anniversary of being Discovered with the Council of Five who Ruled the Planet, hand chosen from the Original Council of Five to carry out Imperial Rule on Keena 3, the Rebels Union was founded out of the thought of escaping Imperial Tyranny in all its Forms. Its found Rictor Bordat now Long Dead but his Legacy Lives of a Truly Free Way Life, lives on threw that of his Twin Sons. Keeping their Faces and Voices Masked because of the Constant threat of Spies and Assassins, no one knows what they truly Look or Sound like.


The Rebels Union had stolen secretive Plans of the Imperial Design Codenamed "Beta Flex", the Beta Project was Top Secret Plans from Imperial Home Planet of Keena 1. However Scientists Sympathetic to the Rebels cause leaked the Schematics to the Rebels Union, now on par with the Imperials they had started Mass Producing Models of them on scale that still had them outnumbered 7 to 1. Unable to actually make a Full Scale Tactical Attack due in part because of the Lack of Man Power to an Appropriate War Effort, but over time the Unions Guerrilla Tactics were becoming more than a mere thorn in the Side of the Imperial Government.


Now Fifty Years later the Bordat Brothers had been able to Survive and threw Rebel Loyalist have now Grown in numbers to where they’re only Outnumbered 3 to 1, still gaining the Newest Schematics and from Unknown Sources being Funded gaining Moral Support and People to their Cause. More Experienced Men and Women being drafted to the War Efforts because of the Marnel Tactical University or MTU opened by a Scholar by the name of Juran Marnel that had Followed by Sides, the UIG and Rebels Union declaring Both Sides to have Admiral Causes, but saw each of the Side’s Flaws. At the MTU more and more Skilled Soldiers started coming on to the Front Lines along with the Newest Models of the Newest and More Improved Mobile Suits.


However Rumors started Circulating that the Imperials have begun construction on a Super Mobile Suit codenamed "Ω Res Novae" and the "Ω Mobile Suits", though Only Rumors have brought this to Light the Actual Truth remains a Mystery. Rumor turned to fact as Partial Schematic Blue Prints were sent to the Rebel Union, but the Traitors that had sent the Blue Prints were Killed One-Third through the Transmitting Process of "Ω Res Novae"'s Schematics, and the "Ω Mobile Suits" Schematics were Never Sent. So now Rebel Scientists work Day and Night to match this New Killing Machine, but are Slowed Considerably trying to figure out the Missing Parts of the Blueprints.



Untied Imperial Government (UIG)

1.) 00-Raiser - Asuka Langley Soryu; PROTOΩ-0002 The Beast (NewType, Colonel)

2.) 00-Raiser - Rei Ayanami; PRFCTΩ-0001 Evangelion (NewType, Brigadier General)

3.) Random Dude - Axel Hunt; GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam (Newtype, Lieutenant)



Rebels Union

1.) Kentodama - John Blackmoore; Hellfire Gundam (Human, Elite Soldier)

2.) Broxret XV - 9903847-Magus 2.0; Pandora Gundam-2 (Android, Elite Soldier)






0. Advanced Clause ^.^

1. All Other YCM Rules.

2. NewTypes will be in this RP, they remain the same as they were in the UC Timeline.

3. NewTypes can be on the Rebel Union Side, but, they are of UIG Origin (making them Hardly Trust able).

4. If you want an "Ω Mobile Suit", First: your character MUST be a UIG Soldier. And Second: PM me and I will ask you a Series of Questions and if you get 7/10, you can have an "Ω Mobile Suit".

5. If you Godmod, I'll have an NPC Slaughter your Mobile Suit! And by Slaughter, I mean make it Unusable for 3 RP Days.

6. There will be Times when Rebel Union Characters and UIG Characters will meet when Off-Duty.

7. I like Cheese ^.^

8. Mobile Suits that can't be Used:

- RX-0 Unicorn Gundam (and Banshee Version)

- NZ-666 Kshatriya

- Wing Gundam Zero Custom

- MSN-06S Sinanju

- The Nu and Hi-Nu Gundams





Character Sheets

Race: (Android, Human or NewType)

Name: (If an Android, Include "Model Number", must have 7 Digits, followed by the Androids Name. Example: Model Number: 0857369-Aubert)

Age: (More Older Characters are preferred, 20 and Higher.)

Gender: (Male/Female)

Appearance: (Anything is Fine... But it it's an Anime-Style Pic, It CAN'T look Childish)

Personality: (2 Lines Minimum)

Bio: (3 Lines Minimum)

Theme Song: (Optional, Try to make it fit you Character if you Include one)

Faction: (UIG or Rebel Union)

Rank: (Soldier, Elite Soldier, Colonel, Etc, Etc... )

Mobile Suit Name: (you can have a Mobile Suit or Gundam... I just felt like putting Mobile Suit).

Mobile Suit Type: (What is your Mobile Suit's Main purpose?)

Power Plant: (X-Drive or XX-Drive)

Mobile Suit Appearance:

Mobile Suit Armaments: (Nothing from Gundam 00, in THIS RP, GN-Drives can't be made >.>)

Mobile Suit Special Equipment/Features: (Nothing too OP'd [Like Satellite Cannons >.>])

Mobile Suit Optional Equipment: (Heavy Weapons Pack, perhaps?)


[spoiler=My Apps]

[spoiler=First Character]

Race Newtype

Name Asuka Langley Soryu

Age 23 (Physically 16)

Gender Female




Asuka is 5'9" Tall, and has Brown Hair that reaches her Lower Back. Her Uniform consists of a Short, Black Shirt a White Blouse, and her Red UIG Jacket, with the UIG Logo over her Right Breast and on the Back.


Despite her Rather "Plain" Uniform, her Wardrobe is almost Overflowing with Clothes. Few People know that Asuka is a Non-Ageing NewType. Asuka is Proud to be a Mobile suit pilot, and Wears her Red UIG Jacket with almost every ensemble she Wears.



Personality Asuka comes across to others as Proud and Strong, with a Very High Opinion of both her Appearance and her Skill as a Mobile Suit Pilot. However, this Personality is a front that Protects a Very Vulnerable and Insecure Girl, a Side which can be seen in her Dreams or Thoughts. She is often Violent and Intrusive of Other People's Space.

Bio Asuka, being a NewType, was a Child Prodigy and has Earned a University Degree in an unspecified Field as a Teenager; she also Speaks Fluent Japanese, but has Trouble Reading and Writing Kanji. Asuka is Very Proud of being an Mobile Suit Pilot, and Near-Constantly wears her UIG Jacket, because she wants Everyone around her to know that she is a Mobile Suit Pilot.

Theme Songs


Combat: Romantic Mode - I Don't Wanna Cry

Faction UIG

Rank Colonel

Mobile Suit Name PROTOΩ-0002 The Beast

Mobile Suit Type Prototype Assault Ω Mobile Suit

Power Plant XX-Drive

Mobile Suit Appearance

[spoiler=The Beast]





Mobile Suit Armaments

* Beam Sabers x12 (Located along the Back)

* Beam Daggers x4 (2 on each Shoulder)

* Beam Magnum x1

Mobile Suit Special Equipment/Features

* Full-Body Ω-System

* NT-S (NewType Safeguard) System

Mobile Suit Optional Equipment

* Mobile Suit-Sized Katana x2



[spoiler=Second Character]

Race NewType

Name Rei Ayanami

Age 27 (Physically 15)

Gender Female






Personality Rei is Socially Withdrawn, Seemingly Emotionless, and Rarely Interacts with anyone, except for Asuka, to whom she Initially Displays Friendship but with whom she has a Generally Distant Relationship. Despite being a Special Member of the UIG Military, she Lives by herself in a Drab, Dingy, Sparsely-Furnished Apartment in the Red Lights District of Rennes-le-Château, a Clutter of Books being her only Apparent luxury Items.


Rei and Asuka are 'Friends', yet Total Opposites. Asuka is Extremely Boastful and Overly Proud of her Accomplishments, while Rei Constantly States her Life has Little Value. Their Appearances are also, in ways, Inverses of each other (Rei has Short Blue Hair and Red Eyes, while Asuka has Long Reddish-Blond Hair and Blue Eyes)

Bio Unknown (Will be Revealed During the RP)

Theme Songs N/A

Faction UIG

Rank Brigadier General

Mobile Suit Name PRFCTΩ-0001 Evangelion

Mobile Suit Type Multi-Purpose Assault Ω Mobile Suit

Power Plant XXX-Drive

Mobile Suit Appearance



Height: 19.4 Meters Tall (21.7 Meters when Standing Straight)



Mobile Suit Armaments

< Armor Peircing Combat Knifes x2

< Beam Rifle x1 or Beam Magnum x1

< Beam Saber x2

Mobile Suit Special Equipment/Features

< Perfect Ω System

< Full-Body Ω-System

< Regen System

< Berserker Mode

Mobile Suit Optional Equipment

< GattlingGun (Shell-Based) x1






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  • Replies 54
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You know... as much as I hate to say... there may not be enough Gundam fans on YCM... perhaps you could make this a Fan Fic... I just think the plot you've come up with is far to good to go to waste.


The thing is... YOU just don't know how many peole Hate me on YCM >.> Besides, I've already let MANY Gerat RPs die, even with their Great Plots . Also, I can be a real dick, especially when it comes to People withe Crappy Apps >.<

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I would like to reserve a spot. I don't know too much about Gundam' date=' but I love it, and I would love to Role Play about Gundam.


ABSOLUTLY NO RESERVATIOn... For You anyways... You didn't even say aything on the Last Gundam RP >.> So, just post an App when your Ready... I'd rather not get my Hopes up for you to Post an App >.>

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Race: Human

Name: John Blackmoore

Age: 27

Gender: Male


John Blackmoore stands right at Six foot five inches and it seems that he only has one set of clothes. However, he must wash them pretty regularly because they've never got even a single oil-stain on them.


John Blackmoore is likely one of the craziest people you'll ever meet. One second he could be trying to kill you, the next he'll probably be buying you a drink and putting an ice pack on your bruised head. He is absolutely obsessed with his Gundam and often refers to it as "Her" or "Lass", and above all he won't let anyone else near "her".

[spoiler=Bio:] John Blackmoore was originally a UGI soldier, piloting some mass-produced piece of crap. When he began to talk about building his own Gundam, people called him crazy. When he actually began to do it he only had access to scrap and old, used-up tools. Using what he could he built his own tools, each one completely unique to the job he needed it to do. Everyone wondered how in the world he was building it, and they didn't learn until he had completed her. He dubbed the Gundam "Hellfire" because of the signature weaponry placed within her. After having fully built his new Gundam, it was discovered that he had stolen schematics for an advanced prototype system from which he had taken inspiration. As this was High Treason, the only thing that could be done was to arrest him. Not one to allow such a thing to happen, John Blackmoore jumped into his Gundam and fired up the systems. Deploying a flight pack from within it's back, the Hellfire Gundam was gone before any pursuit could be made. He still has the schematics for this prototype system, but isn't about to let anyone else get their mitts on them. Shortly after his fleeing the UGI, he met up with the Rebel Union and was accepted into them. It wasn't until he had access to a proper work shop that Hellfire truly began to shine. He gave the Gundam a complete overhaul on weapon systems and installed the second-most enigmatic piece of equipment on Hellfire, the heavy plasma shielding.

22.5 Meters tall

Approx. 85 Metric Tons



Theme Song: Devil's Dance Floor by Flogging Molly

Combat Theme: Monster by Skillet

Faction: Rebel Union

Rank: Elite Soldier

Mobile Suit Name: Hellfire Gundam

Gundam Theme Song: Burn it to the ground by Nickelback

Mobile Suit Type: Custom-built all-purpose ranged and melee combat Gundam

Power Plant: XX-Drive

[spoiler=Mobile Suit Appearance:]The Hellfire Gundam is the typical size of any unit used in the conflict. The armor plating across the arms and legs has been designed to be as stream-lined as possible, without sacrificing sharp angles and edges. The armor plating upon the front of the Torso appears to be made of two interlocking plates meant to come apart for some reason that isn't immediately obvious. The back armor plating appears to have several places where armor plates interlock and can come apart. The forearm plating also appears to have places where the armor may come apart, both on the top and on the bottom, to reveal something. The Gundam's head is angled sharply forwards at the brow, but beneath this the face appears surprisingly human though replicated in metal. Sharp features and blood red eyes complete the face. From the back of the head extend three streamlined "horns" of sorts, one streaking back from the top of the head and the other two from either side. The gaps between the plates are almost invisible under the paint job which is solid pitch black as the base, with crimson flames painted on the chest, back, lower legs, and forearms for style.


[spoiler=Mobile Suit Armaments:]

4x 30mm Auto-cannons firing armor-piercing delayed explosive rounds. Two deployable from the top of each arm, each firing at 200 rounds per minute.

2x Plasma Incinerators. 1 deployable from underside of each arm. The Plasma Incinerator is a weapon system which fires a concentrated beam of super-heated plasma.

2x Reverberation Cannons. 1 deployable from the back of each shoulder. The Reverb. Cannon weapon system can accurately fire a projectile of super-heated plasma at an incredibly long range. The projectile is then followed by a compression wave which is capable of tearing the arm completely off of a Gundam or seriously damaging the super-structure as a whole. The blast radius of the shot is approximately 15 meters across.

2x Standard Beam Sabres, one attached to each Hilt.

2x Plasma Arc Blasters, one per palm. The Plasma Arc Blaster is a close-range weapon built into Hellfire's hands and used primarily for inflicting incapacitating damage to an enemy Gundam's limbs at close-range. Most effective when Hellfire is physically grabbing the enemy Gundam.


[spoiler=Mobile Suit Special Equipment/Features:] The Hellfire Gundam is equipped with a plasma shield which extends just 10cm above the armor plating, but is 20cm thick. This protects the Gundam from all traditional firearms of 90mm caliber and below. The shield will also protect against 100% of plasma weaponry and against most laser weaponry. The most focused and powerful lasers are capable of penetrating the shield, but at massively reduced strength. The shield will be disabled for a time by an EMP cannon, but will prevent the Gundam itself from being so disabled.


The Hellfire Gundam is also equipped with a Plasma Claymore weapon. This is held in a Scabbard attached to the Gundam's back. The weapon is as long as the Gundam is tall and requires both of the mech's hands to wield. It consists of two long metal blades, sharpened edge facing outwards, extending the full length with a gap between them roughly 1.5 meters across. The gap often can be seen with electricity sparking furiously between the two blades. The weapon is surrounded in a sustained field of superheated plasma. This weapon is capable of absorbing the energy from direct-energy attacks and capable of draining the energy from plasma and reducing it to simple hot gas. This energy can then be unleashed in the form of a long-reaching arc of electricity similar to lightning.


[spoiler=Mobile Suit Optional Equipment:]

1x Deployable flight pack. Exactly what it sounds like, a pair of wings and engines which deploy from the Gundam's back to allow for flight both in space and in a planet's atmosphere. With this deployed, the Plasma Claymore scabbard will be positioned over the engines themselves, located directly over the Gundam's back. Capable of sending the Hellfire Gundam at Super Sonic speeds for the purpose of escaping no-win situations.


Salvage Cables. Deployable from the Gundam's back. Cables with a breaking point equal to the full weight of a typical Gundam each. These are not deployable whilst the Gundam is in combat mode. The cables are predominately used for recovering pieces of the Hellfire Gundam which have broken off in battle, or for bringing back disabled Gundams and their missing parts after a battle.


1x Chest-mounted Hellfire Cannon. The Hellfire Cannon weapon system is essentially what you get when you combine four reverberation cannons into one weapon system. This weapon is capable of unleashing a shot similar to that from a reverberation cannon, except flying several hundred times faster. The blast radius from the impact of the Hellfire shot is approximately 75 meters across, and the entire blast is composed of super-heated plasma. The compression wave which follows the shot is several times more destructive than that of the normal reverberation cannons. If caught by the blast, a Gundam will almost doubtlessly be crushed down into something akin to what would be found in a scrap-heap. In addition to the reverberation cannon, the Hellfire Cannon also unleashes a wide-reaching EMP burst immediately preceding the shot, for the purpose of disabling an enemy Gundam and ensuring that the shot hits it's mark.



John Blackmoore strikes again!

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Guest Random Dude

Race: New Type


Name: Axel Hunt


Age: 21


Gender: Male





Personality: Is very calm and tends to keep his composure even during battle. Tends to avoid making friends in the army to avoid getting attached to them and not have to go through losing a friend. Extremely quiet, when he speaks it's usually giving out orders or a short statement on a subject. When he engages someone in a duel, he learns their name in order to add them to his "Worthy Adversary" list.


Bio: He was raised in a war torn country by his adoptive parents. His real parents were killed by a group of bandits preying on the defenseless. He learned how to pilot a mobile suit at the age of 14 and took his revenge on them. He joined the UIG in order to administer justice in his homeland. His nationality is American, but he was born in the Middle East and has no knowledge of his true nationality.


Theme Song: (Optional, Try to make it fit you Character if you Include one)


Faction: UIG


Rank: Lieutenant


Mobile Suit Name: GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam


Mobile Suit Type: Rush assaults with transformable Mobile Suit


Power Plant: X-Drive


[spoiler=Mobile Suit Appearance]gundam_aegis.jpgWeight: max gross weight 79.6 metric tons



Mobile Suit Armaments: 2 x "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; 4 x beam saber, 1 mounted on each arm and leg; shield, mounted on left arm; 60mm beam rifle, power rating unknown, stored on right hip, hand-carried in use; "Scylla" 580mm energy cannon, power rating unknown, operable only in mobile armor attack mode


Mobile Suit Special Equipment/Features: sensors, range unknown; Phase Shift (PS) armor


Mobile Suit Optional Equipment: x2 shoulder mounted "Vulcan" cannons.

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Race: Android

Name: 9903847-Magus 2.0

Age: 22

Gender: Appears To Be Female

Appearance: AnimeGirlSilver.jpg

Personality: Magus has a very cold and detatched personality. She was never programmed to connect to people. Magus however only opens up somethimes around her partner John Blackmoore. When she does this she reveals a sense of humor

Bio: Formerly constructed by Chaos industries to be cold and emotionless this killer android was shot down by John Blackmoore in a battle but he spared her life. She turned her back on Chaos industries out of gratitude to him. Eventually she came to spite her old masters. However even though she may not know it She is linked back to an old ledgend started many years ago. She knows nothing of her past or of the sins she comitted as Magus 1.0. Magus is devoted to living life her own way and never being a slave to anyone again.

Theme Song:Magus 2.0's Theme

Faction:Rebel Union

Rank: Elite Soldier

Mobile Suit Name: Pandora Gundam 2

Mobile Suit Type: Very long ranged combat

Power Plant: XX-Drive

[spoiler=Mobile Suit Appearance]F91FCD89206D48578E7A5A599E6B33B5.jpg


Mobile Suit Armaments:Energy Shield Peircing Sniper Rifle, Gatling Gun modified for extra range, Ballistic Missile system hidden in shoulders,

Mobile Suit Special Equipment/Features: Cloaking Device, still appears on Radar

Mobile Suit Optional Equipment: Shield

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Zero'th: ... The Pic is TOO Childish >.> though it is an Android...

First: did Keto approve of your Character being his Partner?

Second:... What TYPE of Shield? Beam/Energy or Physical?

Third: The Photon Cannon >.> Get rid of it. It's like a Satellite Cannon, only MORE OP'd

Fourth: The Ammo Packs are kinda obvious... Thats why no one listed them

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0th:Well i wanted to give her a more mature look than the last one. and yes androids don't age. i TRIED not to use the one that looked like she was 14 and this was the closest look

1st:Yes he did. you can ask him

2nd: Energy

Third:It's gone

Fourth:Okay then i guess i dont have any extra equips

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0th:Well i wanted to give her a more mature look than the last one. and yes androids don't age. i TRIED not to use the one that looked like she was 14 and this was the closest look

1st:Yes he did. you can ask him

2nd: Energy

Third:It's gone

Fourth:Okay then i guess i dont have any extra equips

for the Extra Equipment, wouldn't you have like, a Sheild, or a Heavy Weapons Pack?

Anyway, Accepted

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[[Lets start ^.^]]


The Large Island of Rennes-le-Château was the Main Metropolis and Home to the UIG's Headquarters. It was the Perfect Blend of Human Civilization and Nature. It also serves as the Capital of Keena 3. In the Center of the Island was Labyrinthos, a Special Building where the Ω Mobile Suits are Produced, including the UIG's Own Asuka Langley Soryu's PROTOΩ-0002 The Beast, which holds one of the Few Remaining Prototypes.


Asuka was inside Labyrinthos, taking Special Test with her and her Mobile Suit, PROTOΩ-0002 The Beast. The Problem was that Asuka's Reaction Time was Slower then her Mobile Suit's, and that it would often Act on its own when Asuka couldn't make a move. Mrs.Mizuki was reading over the Results and Figuring out Solutions to fix them "Okay, so, we've got the Reaction Problem Under Control... It's just the Acting Out that needs to be Fixed... Why did that Girl chose to take the Prototype? Did you want a Challenge? Or was it because she... " she muttered taking Notes and Watching the Mobile Suit's Movements.


After another few Hours, Asuka's Mobile Suit was back at the UIG Headquarters, and Asuka was in Rennes-le-Château's "Red Light" District, making her way to the Sight of the First MS Fight between the UIG and the Rebel Union. She was in her Military Uniform, and was on her way to Pay her Debts to the Soldiers who Fell in Battle.

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As Asuka made her way towards the location of the first encounter of the UIG and Rebel forces, there was another being connected to the conflict who was already present. The form standing there was clad in simple blue jeans, an old worn-out pair of combat boots, a white sleeveless T-shirt, and the familiar torn brown jacket. The long spikes of his dirty blonde hair, as well as the long scar across his face between nose and eyes gave the man away as the former UIG pilot, John Blackmoore. The man had a half burnt-down cigar in his mouth, sticking out of the right side. He looked around and saw that a large portion of the battle-damage still hadn't been repaired (Sorry if I'm going beyond my limits here). He was standing beside a rather large crater in the middle of the road beside which a simple wooden cross had been driven into the ground.


One who saw the Irishman would bear witness to something bizarre, even for the ever erratic John Blackmoore. He was crying, obviously remembering that day. He had still been a UIG pilot then, and had born witness to the combat and destruction that day. The battle had taken place before he ever had started on the Hellfire Gundam, which had eventually resulted in his leaving the UIG forces. The Irishman calmly removed his cigar and placed it in his pants pocket, lit-side out of course. He then knelt beside the crater and made a sign of the cross before folding his hands together. He was muttering a prayer under his breath and likely would not notice Asuka if she were to come upon him then. On his hip, hidden by his jacket, he carried a holster in which an old model Desert Eagle was held. He might have been crazy, but it wasn't like him to go anywhere unprepared.

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Asuka noticed John Blackmoore and Smiled. The Two had been in a Squad once before, and she still remembered that he Left the UIG not long after the First Conflict. She slowly and cautiously approached him, remembering that he wasn't so Stable in the Head. "John Blackmoore... Good to see you" she said, kneeling beside him. "It's been a while... Hasn't it" While awaiting Blackmoore's Reply, Asuka began to remember the First Conflict and how many were Lost.

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Blackmoore finished his prayer just a few moments after Asuka had knelt beside him. This was likely the calmest and sanest he'd ever been seen by her. He slowly opened his yellow eyes and turned his gaze towards her, a slight smile on his face as he recognized her. There were a few droplets of mechanical grease on his face, as there almost always were. He calmly pulled the cigar out of his pocket and placed it back in the right side of his mouth, turning his face back towards the crater to prevent breathing smoke in her face.


"It's damn good ta see ye again, Asuka. An' yes, it's been a while since ah las' saw ye."


He calmly stood up, letting a long stream of cigar smoke out from between his lips before turning his gaze back to his fellow pilot. He shook his head slightly, the smile still on his face, and returned his gaze to the crater yet again. His smile vanished as soon as he looked towards the bottom. The slag left from where a Gundam had exploded and turned the pieces which hadn't been sent flying into molten metal.


"Do ya remembah 'ow this 'ere crater was formed Asuka? Ah still 'ave nightmares 'bout that day sometimes..."

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"To tell the truth... Not really" Asuka replied, trying to keep the Smile on her Face. "Wasn't it... Where you Killed an Old Friend, who Sided with the Union?" she asked, pulling out her Cell Phone and seeing she had a Message from the HQ. For the Moment, she Ignored it, putting it back in her Pocket.




Within Labyrinthos, the Special Science Team was working on Perfecting the Ω System, and finishing Ω Res Novae. "Hurry it up! We ain't getting paid for Stalling!" yelled the Construction Crew's Boss "Damn... It's hard finding Reliable Workers" he muttered, while signing a Material Order Form. "I can't wait to get started on that GunLeon Mobile Suit... That looks like my kinda Machine!" he commented as he began to look over Future Blueprints. So-far, only the Head and Cockpit of Ω Res Novae had been completed.

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The only thing that John Blackmoore could do was nod in reply. The memory of that day had been part of the reason he had decided to leave the UIG rather than accept the punishment for having stolen prototype schematics. He calmly patted the cross beside the crater and turned about, calmly walking in the direction opposite the small memorial. Enough mourning the past, it was time to go do something while he was out. He turned around and looked back at Asuka, the smile returning to his face as he did so.

"Ah'm gonna go make some use a tha time Ah've got before Ah nee' ta go back. Yer welcome ta come alon' ya know."

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Just as Asuka was about to Reply, the Muffled Sounds of her Brigadier General's Voice could be heard from her Phone. "Sorry... I'd love to but... The Captains calling me" she said with a Slight Chuckled, then giving a Quick 'Goodbye' Wave before Running back toward the HQ.




At the UIG Head Quarters, the Soldiers were getting into their Mobile Suit, ready to Retaliate against a Rebel Union Attack on an Island not too far from Rennes-le-Château. The Mobile Suits and Soldiers were then Transported onto the Two Minerva-Class Battleships currently Readying for a Small-Scale/Miniature War and/or a Trap. "Load Colonel Langley's Gundam onto a Ship, then Direct her to the Correct Ship!" one of the Higher-Ranking Officers yelled over the Sounds of Soldiers in a Hurry.

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As Asuka began to run off towards HQ, John Blackmoore smiled slightly and chuckled under his breath, continuing on his way after a customary wave goodbye. He pulled the flight goggles he wore around his neck up onto his face as he continued walking. He eventually made his way out of the Red Light District and turned off down an alleyway. Passing a couple who were making him wonder how either of them could breath, he eventually made his way behind a dumpster. There he had hidden his Custom Chopper. He hopped into the seat of the pitch black motorcycle with crimson flames and revved the engine, before hurtling out from behind the dumpster at about thirty miles per hour. He then turned sharply out onto the main road and accelerated up to nearly 90 miles per hour. Weaving easily in and out of traffic he made it quickly to the outskirts of Rennes-le-Château, having completely avoided any law-enforcement. There was an abandoned warehouse near the edge of the Island and atop cliffs which overlooked the Island which was currently under attack by the Rebel Union. He brought the Chopper to a stop outside of this warehouse and calmly made his way inside. Within was none other than the Hellfire Gundam, which he had personally flown there on the lowest possible power settings the previous night. He calmly clambered up the side of the kneeling Gundam and manually opened the cockpit before entering. He activated the Gundam and set it to run on only enough power to operate the sensors and communication devices. With such little power being used, it would hardly stand out against the massive power usage of the city from long range. His sensors were scanning the area between the Islands, waiting for the appearance of transportation ships from the UIG which would bring soldiers and mobile suits to the battle. Those were his targets. He calmly opened a communication channel from within the Gundam itself in an attempt to contact Magus 2.0 in the Pandora 2.0.


"Magus, just thought ah'd le' ye know tha' ahmma gonna be just a wee bi' late."

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Magus received the message in her mind which doubled as a radio tranceiver. "Very well John. Have any new orders come in from command as of yet?" Magus asked radioing back in. While she was doing this she was running a test of Pandora 2.0's onboard computer. "Systems operating at 84% efficiency. That's odd...Locate cause of deficiency." The computer hummed for a moment before it's monotone voice chimed in. "Forign object located in Sniper scope." Magus zoomed in on this to discover that the Scope had'nt been cleaned in some time. "I will need to fix this sometime soon."

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