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Hi everyone, I'm making a contest, all YCM rules apply, especially no spamming flaming ect.

Entry fee is 5 Points (not that much)


1. 15GreenawaltA (out of contest)

2. Djpap

3. ProSora (third)

4. JIMMYTRON (out of contest)

5. Lillymisser (Out of contest)

6. deathghost101 (Out of contest)

7. Gustavosuarez


(I'll add more don't worry)



(Tell me if you want to judge)


1st:50% of pot and 3 reps

2nd:25% of pot and 2 reps

3rd:1 rep

4th and below: You get to live in other peoples shadows!


Round 1:

Make a realistic card, no vanillas, no fake types and must be a DARK-type, no exceptions.

Round 2: Make a LIGHT monster, 4 stars and up, and a summoning card or equip card for it.

Round 3: Make a set of at least 3 elemental heroes (Max 5), and in it 1 or more supporting spells, due Wendesday.


Pot: 35 Points

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Dark synchros are a real type smart one. they just havent added it on here yet:P


Dark Synchros are not a real TCG type and never will be. All the cards that were originally supposed to be Dark Synchros have been made into regular Synchros. Don't expect it to be added to the site anytime soon.

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here's my card...literally just made it:


This card is unaffected by the effect of Spells, Traps, and Effect Monsters. During the End Phase of the turn that this card inflicts Battle Damage, increase the ATK of this card equal to half of the Battle Damage inflicted to your opponent. When this card's ATK is over 3000, you must remove this card from play and destroy all cards on the field. You can only have 1 "The Destructionoid" in your Deck.

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand by removing from play 1 DARK Fiend or Spellcaster-Type monster your control. While this card is face-up on the field it is also treated as a Fiend-Type monster. Once every 3 turn during your Main Phase you can Tribute 1 DARK monster you control to have this card gain ATK Points equal to the Tributed monster's DEF Points until your next Standby Phase. If this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent you can remove from play 2 monsters in your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower Fiend or Spellcaster-Type monster from your Deck or Graveyard.

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May I join this contest...........have nothing else to do.

Points will be sent soon.



Lore:While this card is face-up on the field, its Attribute is also treated as Light. Once per turn during your Battle Phase, the ATK and DEF of this card are each equal to the ATK and DEF of a Level 5 or higher Light or Dark Attribute monster in your deck.

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