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Who says non-multiples of 50 don't make good ATK's? [Castle of Dark Illusion]

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I use my Catapult Turtle to launch my Dragon Champion into your Castle of Dark Illusions' date=' thereby knocking off its flotation ring, causing it to fall on all of your monsters! [/thread']


And it also causes your lifepoints to drop to 0, because somehwere along the lines it counts as team-killing!


Dammit! Arm you beat me!


This card is an aweshum tech in Zombiez!11!!1!!one!! Same with Immortal King of the Underworld, Undying Underworld Cannon, and Zombie Mammoth[/threadfo'realzdawg!]

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I use my Catapult Turtle to launch my Dragon Champion into your Castle of Dark Illusions' date=' thereby knocking off its flotation ring, causing it to fall on all of your monsters! [/thread']


And it also causes your lifepoints to drop to 0, because somehwere along the lines it counts as team-killing!


If only real yugioh games could be played using that type of logic...


Use Order to Smash to punch your opponent in the face




This card is a typical joke card. Your opponent bursts out laughing once you use it.

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I have the strongest urge to destroy all monsters with 1500 ATK or more in my opponent's hand' date=' deck, and on the field after playing CCV. And I don't care if it's banned. Because I'm just going to say "Screw the rules, I have money!"



No, CCV doesn't destroy them, it just makes them unable to be summoned for the rest of the duel.

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I have the strongest urge to destroy all monsters with 1500 ATK or more in my opponent's hand' date=' deck, and on the field after playing CCV. And I don't care if it's banned. Because I'm just going to say "Screw the rules, I have money!"



No, CCV doesn't destroy them, it just makes them unable to be summoned for the rest of the duel.


Screw the rules, I have money!

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the type system from Dark Duel Stories semi followes that logic' date=' by Type having destruction over stats (ex Fire always beat Forest in that game regardless of ATK/DEF)



I think Jurai Gumo was the best monster in that game. it was level 4, and had 2860 ATK(or something like that) with the Field Spell Forest on the field. Man I wish that was now possible...

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the type system from Dark Duel Stories semi followes that logic' date=' by Type having destruction over stats (ex Fire always beat Forest in that game regardless of ATK/DEF)



I think Jurai Gumo was the best monster in that game. it was level 4, and had 2860 ATK(or something like that) with the Field Spell Forest on the field. Man I wish that was now possible...


I vuagely remember being able to Normal Summon Master Knight Dragon with no tributes, along with Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and Megamorph always doubles the ATK, you just had to enter the card's password for the normal summons i think (They probally figured it would be a reward to those who had the card irl, forgetting that the internet exists)

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