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Uria and Hamon's Anime Effect+Lost Paradise (disc)

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Summoned by sending 3 traps of any kind (facedown or face up) to grave. ATK= Traps of any kind x1000.... can be SS from grave by sending 1 trap to grave from hand


EDIT: Disc Hamon's too... Hamon is same except it is spells and in place of SS from grave, Inflict 1000 to Opp each time it destroys a monster by battle


also disc Lost paradise


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A once per turn +2' date=' Lost Paradise is BROKEN to a certain degree... if only it were easier to use Sacred Beasts.



Lost Paradise's effect is, indeed, a bit overpowered.

But thing you have to take into consider is that it requires you to run a Sacred Beast, and then try and keep it on the field.

.....While at the time time you try and keep this field spell in play.

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also' date=' nice job @ removing your retarded post really fast burnpsy



Proof I posted? You lack it.


Anyways, even with their anime effects, the Sacred Beasts are horrible. Uria would have been better with its anime effect, but still bad.


However, they have this broken support card. >___>

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also' date=' nice job @ removing your retarded post really fast burnpsy



Proof I posted? You lack it.


Anyways, even with their anime effects, the Sacred Beasts are horrible. Uria would have been better with its anime effect, but still bad.


However, they have this broken support card. >___>


the support card doesn't actually exist, so it's pointless.

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A once per turn +2' date=' Lost Paradise is BROKEN to a certain degree... if only it were easier to use Sacred Beasts.



Lost Paradise's effect is, indeed, a bit overpowered.

But thing you have to take into consider is that it requires you to run a Sacred Beast, and then try and keep it on the field.

.....While at the time time you try and keep this field spell in play.


Field Barrier


Oh, Shinenou Uria has a drawback to its anime effect - if you bring it back through that effect, it cannot attack if you have another monster. As for Kouraiou Hamon, if he's Destroyed in Defence Position in the anime, all damage becomes 0.


HOWEVER, without any real support and their real effects, the Sangenma no nowhere fast.

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