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Hello This is a club were you can duel on web sites and talk. To Duel you must go to a website you will see it as you read bellow and the rank process


Web Address





Rank process


Slifer Red:1-20

Ra Yellow:21-60

Oblisk Blue:61-100

Five God Black:101-500

Counselor:501 and up

highest rank:1000


Rank Abilitys


Slifer Red:can enter in slifer red contest does a slifer red test every two weeks

Ra Yellow:can enter in slifer red contest and ra yellow contest takes a ra yellow test every week

Oblisk Blue:can enter in slifer red contest ra yellow contest and oblisk blue contest takes a oblisk blue test five times in two weeks

Five God Black:can enter in any contest.

Counselor:Gives test to any student besides five god black cant enter in any contest and helps make contest and judge




Slifer Red:

Crazykev LV.16/CrazyKev

Kid LV.18/Kid

konthestuffedbear LV.1 /Masterofpuppets

asuma181 LV.1 /asuma181

The inventor LV.1 /Blackhades

The Man2007 LV.1 /The_Man2007

Master52394 LV.1 /master52394

Dark Vortex LV.1 /Axle666




Ra Yellow:


Oblisk Blue:


Five God Black:


Counselor:Jak35 LV.1000 /Jak35


LV up titorial


1.To LV up you must win a duel at game king online and pst it here.

2.You can also LV up by winning contest.

3.You also get to LV up by geting test questions right.

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both acsepted when you duel someone if they diconnect you win ok


so i already one 2 duels because the people keep disconnecting on me


and i remember my second duel there we havent even started and the snott-nosed brat diconnected...hehehehe snot-nosed brat where have i heard that before

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