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Rise of the Dragon Lords Discussion: Part the Second [Decoy Dragon]

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Are those big things at the face real eyes? or only the little ones are it's eyes?.


I always imagined this card as a keychain...


I think the small ones are suppose to be it...






It was an Itsy-Bitsy-Teeny-Weeny-Tiny-Little-Dragon- Thingy That he played for the first time today








As with the first part' date=' discuss any and all aspects.




I like this. Comes in handy for a suprise.


Because noone reads a cards effect...

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Comes in handy for a suprise.

Yeah' date=' kind of like when you attack that face-up Yomi Ship.

[/quote']but what if I want to? huh? what are you gonna do to stop me?


If my player is enough of an idiot to fall for clearly evident traps rudimentary knowledge in the displayed card's written language and the will to read it could have prevented then decent cards would've wiped the floor with him anyways.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Bugs me that it's cute eyes aren't its real eyes.


No one would ever attack it, and having this guy in face up attack mode just leaves you open to Brain Control, Fissure, and other shenanigans.

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No one would ever attack it' date=' and having this guy in face up attack mode just leaves you open to Brain Control, Fissure, and other shenanigans.


At SOME point, someone is bound to attack this thing.

(*assuming they used up there destruction cards*)

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