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Battle of the Guardians, Aqua Girl vs ProSora (Started Vote now!)

Aqua Girl

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Make a card with Guardian in it's name.


The card must have an efect that protects a certan Type, from spells traps or battle what ever you chose.


Winner gets, +2 rep from the loser.


First to 5 wins.


First to post their card Is who I accept I dont hold spots.


When Voting Give a good reson, I will regulate my opponets voters, my opponet will regulate mine.


A single more ruel, If you say there are problems with OCG you must tell what those problems are.


[spoiler= Aqua Girl's Card]331987w.jpg

Plant-Type monsters you control are unaffected by Spell Cards. While this card is face-up on your side of the field, your opponent cannot select a face-up monster as an attack target except "Lost Guardian-Forest".



[spoiler= ProSora's Card]491000c.jpg



This card cannot be normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 2 LIGHT or EARTH monsters you control and by removing from play 2 cards from your hand. During each of your Stand-By Phases you must pay 300 Life Points, if you do not, destroy this card. When a Warrior-Type monster you control is targeted by the effect of a Spell or Trap Card, you can discard 1 Spell or Trap Card from your hand to negate the effect of the card and destroy it. While this card is in face-up Defense Position all Warrior-Type monsters you control gain ATK equal to their Levels x200.


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alright here,





This card cannot be normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 2 LIGHT or EARTH monsters you control and by removing from play 2 cards from your hand. During each of your Stand-By Phases you must pay 300 Life Points, if you do not, destroy this card. When a Warrior-Type monster you control is targeted by the effect of a Spell or Trap Card, you can discard 1 Spell or Trap Card from your hand to negate the effect of the card and destroy it. While this card is in face-up Defense Position all Warrior-Type monsters you control gain ATK equal to their Levels x200.



image credit:jazinkay

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ProSoras card is to difficult to summon unless you're running a deck full of light monsters. Then again, Aquas card is only truly useful in a plant deck. Decisions decisions...I really don't know who to vote for. I guess I'll say Aqua, just due to the fact that having it in DEF position leaves it overly vulnerable, unless you can get it equipped with something like Mist Body.


So yeah, I vote for Aqua.

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i think he meant here' date=' "your opponent cannot select a face-up monster as an attack target except "Lost Guardian-Forest"."


I was extremely tempted earlier today to respond to this with "Then he'd be wrong." but I felt Aqua could fend for herself. I'll edit this post with my vote in a bit.


I vote for Aqua, the effects are simple, but offers a good defense in a Plant deck, but is balanced. The card is vunerable in Defense mode and isn't protected from Spells itself. I just find Pro's to be OP'd because a not only does all your warriors get a huge attack boost, you can negate spells AND traps to protect those over-buff little buggers, plus he forgot to capitalize the "N" in Normal Summon.

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