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X-Saber HAWLP?

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Okay, so I'm dueling this guy, right? He has an ATK position XX-saber monster (Galsem, I think? Not sure on name spelling) and he has a DEF position X-saber monster (puroloso or something like that. I know the effect, you pay 500 LP after an X-saber is destroyed to bring it back from the Graveyard), so anyways, he then tries to Special summon XX-saber Faultroll, who can only be special summoned when you control 2 X-sabers, kay? So, Faultroll's effect specifies they have to be X-Sabers NOT XX-sabers. So I told him he was wrong, but he called me a buttload of nasty names and then tells me I'm wrong. I'm not, am I?

Just like how the Harpy Lady's effects specify that their names are to be treated as "Harpy Lady", the names have to be specified, right?

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But that's like saying you can tribute Dark Magician Girl to special summon Dark Eradicator Warlock' date=' just because it has the words "Dark Magician" in it's name, right?



There's a difference. Dark Eradicator Warlock looks for the specific monster.

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Harpie Lady works the way you think it does. Besides, you can only have 3 in any combination period (aside from Sisters, Cyber, Girl, and Dragon), so yeah...


bullshit' date=' I know, but it's true.



They were made specifically to work like that. It's not BS because it was intentional. Just like Fabled and The Fabled.


It's BS when someone pull Darkness Neosphere.


regardless, he still posted the DM question.


I adressed it one minute before you posted just now.

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bullshit' date=' I know, but it's true.



They were made specifically to work like that. It's not BS because it was intentional. Just like Fabled and The Fabled.


It's BS when someone pull Darkness Neosphere.


regardless, he still posted the DM question.


I adressed it one minute before you posted just now.


yes, you poke'ninja'd me.

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I don't think it should work like that. The XX-Sabers have two X's' date=' and therefore are NOT X-sabers, it doesn't make sense! >_<



Japan calls them "Double X-Saber". Further, XX-Saber contains the bolded and the rulings agree.

Stop arguing and deal with it. They were made to work that way.

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Remember' date=' your friend still can't revive Faultroll.



He could in that scenario. From what I can tell he was being summoned from the hand.


Also, the reason the Dark Magician shenanigans don't work is because of the way the support cards are worded. If a card says, "While you control a "__________" monster." then it is designating the words in the card name. Such as Ojama and X-Saber. If it says something along the lines of "Tribute 1 "________." Then it is asking for 1 specific card because it isn't asking for a group, it is asking for a specific card.


So the next time one of you kids tries to activate "Dark Magic Attack" while you only control a "Skilled Dark Magician," I'm gonna sock you in the face.

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Remember' date=' your friend still can't revive Faultroll.



He could in that scenario. From what I can tell he was being summoned from the hand.


Also, the reason the Dark Magician shenanigans don't work is because of the way the support cards are worded. If a card says, "While you control a "__________" monster." then it is designating the words in the card name. Such as Ojama and X-Saber. If it says something along the lines of "Tribute 1 "________." Then it is asking for 1 specific card because it isn't asking for a group, it is asking for a specific card.


So the next time one of you kids tries to activate "Dark Magic Attack" while you only control a "Skilled Dark Magician," I'm gonna sock you in the face.


don't worry, I don't do that.


I play 3 toon tables, and then summon out the real DM first, then dark magic attack, then I have him stick that staff up yours.

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