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Duel Academy 2.0 Remake [Basic] [Started]

Master Fury

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Donovyn continued to walk toward class when he noticed a couple of people dueling. One of whom he recognized as being a fellow Sanga Yellow, and the other, Prodigy Green. "Well, isn't this interesting?" he said aloud. He stopped his trip to class in order to watch the duel. "Sabersaurus, with a shadow?" he questioned the air, "I have never seen that before." He examined the field closely, thinking to himself, "You'd better check your gear."

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"My turn, I draw!" he said. "First, I'll play 1 card facedown, then I'll activate 2 spell cards(Symbols of Duty and Swing of Memories), and since I sent Elemental Hero Neos and Gogiga Gagagigo to my graveyard thanks to your trap, I can summon them both to my field!" he said to the duelist. "Then I normal summon X-Saber Airbellum and then my monsters attack yours!"


Airbellum vs Pheonix

Gogiga Gagagigo vs Sabersaurus

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"My turn' date=' I draw!" he said. "First, I'll play 1 card facedown, then I'll activate 2 spell cards(Symbols of Duty and Swing of Memories), and since I sent Elemental Hero Neos and Gogiga Gagagigo to my graveyard thanks to your trap, I can summon them both to my field!" he said to the duelist. "Then I normal summon X-Saber Airbellum and then my monsters attack yours!"


Airbellum vs Pheonix

Gogiga Gagagigo vs Sabersaurus


After Airbellum destroys Phoenix I send the top card of my deck to the graveyard and special summon it now with 2000 ATK and DEF. "When a monster with Hell Bomber Shadow equipped to it is destroyed my opponent must send cards from their deck to the graveyard equal to its level so that's 4, and I'll activate my face down Solemn Wishes".

Life 2350

Hand 1

Graveyard 4

Deck 31

(Can you put your Life, Hand, Graveyard, and Deck)

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I draw a card gaining 500 Life Points from my Solemn Wishes then smirk. "I Summon god Slayer then activate his effect by sending my level 8 Hell Bomber Archfiend from my Deck to the Graveyard I destroy your level 8 Gogiga Gagagigo, though he can't attack the turn its effect is used, and I'll equip my Hell Bomb Phoenix with Hell Bomb Saber." Hell Bomb Phoenix Gains 1000 ATK. "Now Hell Bomb Phoenix attacks X-Saber Airbellum."

Hell Bomb Phoenix 3000 ATK VS X-Saber Airbellum 1600 ATK


Life 2850

Field 5

Hand 0

Graveyard 6

Deck 29

(Can you put your Life, Field, Hand, Graveyard, and Deck)

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ooc:guys, all of u r breaking the rules. Posts need to be 4 + lines, since we're forced to do Advanced Clause.


BiC: Peter grabbed his Deck and went to class. He was the first one there, and had already opened his book to the right page. "Another boring day. I don't even know how I got inhere, over 7 years, I've only won maybe 2 duels?" Peter thought to himself. "I just want out of here..." he continued to think. He sat with his feet in his chair. His arms were crossed on his bok, and his head was in them, reading the book's pages one-by-one.

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Max ran through the halls as he heard cheering of a crowd.He stared out as he saw the duel between the 2 duelists."Not bad,"He said entering the room, he stood up witnessing them face off in a mighty duel.He grabbed his deck and gased at it in a big smile."Maybe I should duel someone later,im back from my holidays,now time to teach a few students...Maybe the ones I teach might become more better after iv'e taught them all I know."

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"Well, this is turning out to be quite... interesting." Donovyn said aloud. He took his deck out of the pocket of his jacket and looked at it. "Perhaps he might provide a challenge," he said, raising his eyes to look at the Hell Bomb user. He smiled slightly, "Then again, maybe not." He replaced his deck and watched the duel with crossed arms. "His deck seems quite well constructed," he referred again to the Hell Bomb user, "Though his, I can't make out," he concluded, referring to his opponent.

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"When you summoned God Slayer, I chained with Raigeki Break, which by discarding 1 card from my hand destroys your monster. So now you can't activate his effect." he said. "Please continue. I'm waiting for your real power." he said calmly to the duelist called Trimage. If he beats me I will really want him to be on our side! he thought while considering the possibility of him actually beating him. After all, John had more life points than him.

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Kevin ran to his room he made the best deck he could while thinking:I will stop whoever those people were and i will duel them.Kevin finished his deck took a quick shower.Then ran to the duel arena were continued watching the two duelists duel wondering who was going to win.

He spoted someone suspicous on the first row seat 1 right in the middle of the duel arena,how is he doing that without the teachers pulling him out of the arena and giving him detention?kevin thought.

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"When you summoned God Slayer' date=' I chained with Raigeki Break, which by discarding 1 card from my hand destroys your monster. So now you can't activate his effect." he said. "Please continue. I'm waiting for your real power." he said calmly to the duelist called Trimage. [i']If he beats me I will really want him to be on our side![/i] he thought while considering the possibility of him actually beating him. After all, John had more life points than him.

After you activate your face down card I activate mine. "I activate my Dark Bribe negating the affect of your Raigeki Break but thanks for discarding 1 of your cards." I continue my turn as I had planned before and if nothing else comes up, I end my turn.


Life 2850

Field 4

Hand 0

Graveyard 7

Deck 29

(Can you put your Life, Field, Hand, Graveyard, and Deck)

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"Well, I wonder how this is going to turn out. Both seem very good at what they're doing," Donovyn thought, watching the Chain build up, "Though, it seems the Hell Bomber is going to win this." He smirked and gave a small chuckle at the thought. He sat down, and leaned back, his right ankle resting on his left knee, putting his right elbow on the chair. He studied the duelist using the Hell Bomb cards, his stance, the way he held his cards, and the way he held his eyes. "It's as if he's a professional gambler, I can't make out what kind of hand he has by his body," Donovyn thought solemnly."

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Max stared at the field looking at Axel's field,then he turned to John's."I have to say,im impressed,even though Axel has that Hell Bomb on the field still John's not wanting to lose,"Max exclaimed to himself."Well the impressive counter of chains too, I can't even predict whos going to win.Well dueling isn't able to predict all suprise and skills,I can't wait to see what they have."Max said as he put his deck back into his deck holder, as he slowly droped it in his pocket.

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Max stood up ready to leave."I've to put my deck back, ill return."He said exiting through the door as he saw a shadow emerge from the hall."Who is it?"Max wondered pointing at the hidden person."Yep you."


"Hello Teacher."welcomed a student."Whens the next lesson."


"After the duel thats currently over there"Max pointed through the door as the student rushed through."That was sure odd."

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