byak Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 I just dueled one of my friends over MSN.My GBs v.s. his E-Hero Fusions.Well... It was lulzy.[spoiler=Some language, not my fault. >___>]Byakk says (7:55 PM): Alright then I summon GB Laquari and set two I endA L says (7:55 PM): Gladiar Beats, eh? beasts*Byakk says (7:55 PM): YezirA L says (7:56 PM): Pot of Greed! I can draw two cardsByakk says (7:56 PM): FineA L says (7:56 PM): I discard Captian Gold to bring one Skyscraper into my handByakk says (7:56 PM): M'kA L says (7:57 PM): I play Skyscaper. When an E-Hero attacks a monster stronger than it (ATK wise), it gets a 1000ATK increaseByakk says (7:57 PM): I know\A L says (7:58 PM): I summon E-Hero Sparkman, and Play R - Righteous Justice. I can distroy every Spell/trap equal to the number of E-Hero on the field.A L says (7:59 PM): Which spaces are your facedowns in? (Far Left, Left, center, Right, Far right)Byakk says (7:59 PM): x x 1 2 x 1 or 2?A L says (7:59 PM): 1!Byakk says (7:59 PM): I chain ShrinkByakk says (8:00 PM): Halving Sparkman's ATKA L says (8:00 PM): His ATK is only 800 What ATK does your beast have?Byakk says (8:00 PM): 1800 Meaning it's a suicide attackA L says (8:01 PM): Your facedown goes bye-bye thoughByakk says (8:01 PM): That was Shrink I chained itA L says (8:01 PM): Damn... I end my turnByakk says (8:01 PM): AlrightA L says (8:01 PM): Sparkman's ATK is now 1600 againByakk says (8:01 PM): I play Gladiator Proving GroundA L says (8:02 PM): Field Spell?Byakk says (8:02 PM): I add a GB to my hand I choose BestiariA L says (8:02 PM): Is it a Field Spell?Byakk says (8:02 PM): No I set a monsterByakk says (8:03 PM): Now I contact fuse Bestiari (Which is face-down) and LaquariA L says (8:03 PM): kByakk says (8:03 PM): I Special Summon GB Gyzarus When he's summoned, I can destroy two cards on the field In this case, Skyscraper and SparkmanA L says (8:04 PM): kByakk says (8:04 PM): Now I attack directly with Gyzarus -2400A L says (8:04 PM): Trap Card! Sakuretsu Armor!Byakk says (8:04 PM): Wow, I should've seen it comingA L says (8:04 PM): The attacking monster is destroyedByakk says (8:04 PM): Eh well Book of MoonA L says (8:05 PM): Saved yourself that time. Are you done?Byakk says (8:05 PM): Since Gyzarus is facedown, Sakuretsu has nothing to destroy I set a card and endA L says (8:05 PM): How much DEF does your Fusion have?Byakk says (8:06 PM): It's facedown, I won't tell ;pA L says (8:06 PM): Damnit. I summon E-hero Avian in ATK Position, and place one facedown, and end my turn.Byakk says (8:07 PM): Hmm I set a monster Now, I contact fuseByakk says (8:08 PM): My two facedown GB's (Gyzarus and Bestiari) Gyzarus is returned to the Extra Deck and Bestiari is returned to the deck I Special Summon another Gyzarus Now I destroy Avian and your facedownA L says (8:08 PM): Which facedown's I have on in the center and right spaces.Byakk says (8:09 PM): Actually, forget Avian Both of your facedownsA L says (8:09 PM): Mirrior Gate and Dimensional Wall.Byakk says (8:09 PM): Gyzarus attacks Avian -1400A L says (8:09 PM): 6600Byakk says (8:10 PM): Now I tag out Gyzarus And special summon two Laquari Since they were both Special Summoned by a GB, their ATKs become 2100. I endA L says (8:11 PM): I set one card and a facedown, and end my turn.Byakk says (8:11 PM): Laquari attacks your monsterA L says (8:12 PM): Trap crad! Compulsory Evacuation Device! I'm sending the second Laquari back to your handByakk says (8:12 PM): The one that attacked?A L says (8:12 PM): No, the one that's still waiting.Byakk says (8:12 PM): Alright, then the other attack is still going throughA L says (8:13 PM): Facedown was WildheartByakk says (8:13 PM): M'k I summon Laquari again and endA L says (8:13 PM): I end my turnByakk says (8:13 PM): ... M'kByakk says (8:14 PM): I attack with both Laquari's -3900A L says (8:14 PM): kByakk says (8:14 PM): 2700A L says (8:14 PM): 6600 - 3900 = 2700Byakk says (8:14 PM): I endA L says (8:14 PM): E - Emergency Call! I can bring and E-Hero straight to my hand!A L says (8:15 PM): I summon E-Hero Neos Alius!Byakk says (8:15 PM): Bottomless Trap Hole ;pA L says (8:15 PM): Bastard......A L says (8:16 PM): I end my turn.Byakk says (8:16 PM): I attack with the Laquari that has 2100 ATK 600A L says (8:16 PM): 600Byakk says (8:16 PM): I place a facedown and endA L says (8:16 PM): Mercy Rule, eh? I set a monster and end my turnByakk says (8:17 PM): 2100 Laquari attacks facedownA L says (8:17 PM): ClaymanByakk says (8:17 PM): I tag Laquari out for RetiariA L says (8:17 PM): The second one?Byakk says (8:17 PM): NoByakk says (8:18 PM): I can only tag out if the monster attacked or was attacked Retiari removes a monster in your graveyard from play I choose WildheartA L says (8:18 PM): kByakk says (8:18 PM): I endA L says (8:19 PM): I summon Hero Heat. His ATK increases by 200 for each E-Hero. Unfortunately for you, that includes HIMSELF. How much ATK does Retiari have?Byakk says (8:19 PM): 1200A L says (8:20 PM): Okay, I'll knock him out with Heat.Byakk says (8:20 PM): Dimensional Prison Removes Heat from playA L says (8:20 PM): Damnit...Byakk says (8:20 PM): Done?A L says (8:20 PM): Pretty much...Byakk says (8:21 PM): I play Gladiator Proving GroundA L says (8:21 PM): Lemme geuess, your intention is to finish me off by counterattacking a big move.Byakk says (8:21 PM): I add Murmillo to my hand I set a monster Now I contact fuse All of the GBs on my field for Gladiator Beast HeraklinosA L says (8:22 PM): What does he do? More RFP effect?Byakk says (8:22 PM): No I can negate a spell or trap by discarding a card 3000/2800A L says (8:22 PM): Overkill finisher?Byakk says (8:22 PM): I place a facedown and endA L says (8:23 PM): I end my turnByakk says (8:23 PM): Draw 3 See if that helps ;pA L says (8:23 PM): You're telling me to draw three cards?Byakk says (8:23 PM): Go for itA L says (8:23 PM): You DARE mock the future ultimate E-Hero duelist!?Byakk says (8:24 PM): I end I can attack for game anytime, you know. ;pA L says (8:24 PM): Reload, jabroni!!\A L says (8:25 PM): . . .Byakk says (8:25 PM): I'm waiting for Miracle Fusion, really :/A L says (8:25 PM): Ah crap... I place four facedowns and end my turnByakk says (8:25 PM): I endA L says (8:25 PM): So, how many card do you have in your hand?Byakk says (8:25 PM): 6 Heck, I'll even show my hand if you wantA L says (8:26 PM): I play O - Oversoul! I place SS Clayman in defense. I end my turn.Byakk says (8:27 PM): Waboku, Waboku, Smashing Ground, Lightning Vortex, Call of the Haunted, Laquari, and Mirror Force lol I end Since I have 7 cards in hand, I have to discard I discard LaquariA L says (8:27 PM): You didn't have to show your hand.Byakk says (8:28 PM): But it was funnyA L says (8:28 PM): Shut up...Byakk says (8:28 PM): A0 is the only threat I see atm And that's only accomplishable right now if you had Eria or BubblemanA L says (8:28 PM): You'd be suprised...A L says (8:29 PM): I'm done.Byakk says (8:29 PM): I overextend by placing 4 facedowns I endA L says (8:29 PM): I end.Byakk says (8:29 PM): I end.A L says (8:30 PM): End You plan to make me lose through deck loss?Byakk says (8:30 PM): lol, I guessA L says (8:30 PM): You hear Clayman? He's mocking you! "Oh! Look at the boy! He doesn't even have the guts to attack me!" XDByakk says (8:30 PM): Just go :LA L says (8:31 PM): Damnit, again! I endByakk says (8:31 PM): I endA L says (8:31 PM): I set one monster. Trap card! DNA Check up! Guess who the facedown is?Byakk says (8:32 PM): I'm guessing EarthA L says (8:32 PM): Damnit! Facedown is Woodsman. I put Clayman in ATK position.A L says (8:33 PM): Then Equip Woodsman with Fighting Spirit Magic card! Guard Penalty! I can change the position of one monster, and if it changed to defense, I draw one card.Byakk says (8:33 PM): No If a monster is changed to defense position, you can activate the card and draw 1A L says (8:34 PM): You sure?Byakk says (8:34 PM): YesA L says (8:34 PM): "Select 1 monster on the field. If it is changed to defense, draw 1 card" That's what it says.Byakk says (8:34 PM): ExactlyByakk says (8:35 PM): "If a monster is changed to defense position, you can activate the card and draw 1"A L says (8:35 PM): Dumbass, that's not what it says in the description!Byakk says (8:35 PM): FineA L says (8:35 PM): Screw it, I'm letting go out with a whimper. I swear, this is so confusing...A L says (8:36 PM): You have any set monters?Byakk says (8:36 PM): NoA L says (8:36 PM): In that case, I'll place one more facedown and end it. Fighting Spirit is still equiped to Woodsman though.Byakk says (8:36 PM): I summon E-hero PrismaByakk says (8:37 PM): I reveal Gyzarus in my Extra Deck, and send Bestiari to the Grave I endA L says (8:37 PM): Woodsman's effect! I can pull one Polymerization from my deck or graveByakk says (8:38 PM): M'kA L says (8:38 PM): I Sacrifice Woodsman and set one cardByakk says (8:39 PM): Sacrifice Woodsman? For a Tribute Set?A L says (8:39 PM): Next, I put Clayman in Defense, and end my turnByakk says (8:39 PM): Necroshade?A L says (8:39 PM): Who else...?Byakk says (8:39 PM): I summon GB Murmillo Next I activate Prisma's effectByakk says (8:40 PM): Revealing Heraklinos to send Laquari to the Grave I edn ... *endA L says (8:40 PM): I place one facedown and end.Byakk says (8:40 PM): I use Prisma's effect againByakk says (8:41 PM): I reveal Heraklinos and send another Laquari to the grave Now I play Call of the Haunted Bringing back Laquari Contact Fusion I send Murmillo, Prisma, and Laquari to the deck To Special Summon another HeraklinosA L says (8:42 PM): Two cards go bye-bye, right?Byakk says (8:42 PM): No That's GyzarusA L says (8:42 PM): What's his effect?Byakk says (8:42 PM): Heraklinos discards to negatge *negate Remember?A L says (8:42 PM): Right...Byakk says (8:42 PM): I play WabokuByakk says (8:43 PM): My monsters aren't destroyed by battle this turn I place a facedown and endA L says (8:43 PM): Hero Blast! (Trap) I can bring 1 E-Hero normal monster to my hand, and destroy a monster equal to or less than to it's ATKByakk says (8:43 PM): I activate Herk's effectByakk says (8:44 PM): Discard Smashing Ground NegateA L says (8:44 PM): brbByakk says (8:44 PM): M'kA L says (8:47 PM): BackByakk says (8:47 PM): Your turnA L says (8:47 PM): Is it still my turn, or is it now my turn?Byakk says (8:47 PM): NowA L says (8:48 PM): Now, as in "I can draw a card"?Byakk says (8:48 PM): YesA L says (8:48 PM): I end my turnByakk says (8:49 PM): I summon Thunder King Rai-Oh I endA L says (8:49 PM): I flip summon Necroshade! How much ATK does King Rai-Oh have?Byakk says (8:49 PM): 1900 The sameA L says (8:50 PM): I'm going to straight out attack Rai-oh with Necroshade!Byakk says (8:50 PM): M'kA L says (8:50 PM): RUSH RECKLESSLY!!!!Byakk says (8:50 PM): AlrightA L says (8:50 PM): Necroshade's ATK is increased by 700Byakk says (8:51 PM): -700 8300 7300 My badA L says (8:51 PM): . . . I end my turnByakk says (8:52 PM): What monsters are on your field?A L says (8:52 PM): Clayman and Necroshade How many cards are in your hand?Byakk says (8:52 PM): 7 5 s/t 2 HerksByakk says (8:53 PM): 14 cards totalA L says (8:53 PM): Well, this is quite a nasty disadvantage.Byakk says (8:53 PM): ;pA L says (8:53 PM): Anyway, I ended my turn. make your move alreadyByakk says (8:53 PM): I set a monster and endA L says (8:54 PM): Nobleman of Crossout.Byakk says (8:54 PM): NegateA L says (8:54 PM): I can remove from play one facedown monsterByakk says (8:54 PM): Discard Smashing GroundA L says (8:55 PM): I Sacrifice both Necroshade and Clayman to Advance Summon Bladedge I'll keep going after the facedown monsterByakk says (8:55 PM): Equeste -1400 5900A L says (8:56 PM): I place a facedown and end my turnByakk says (8:56 PM): I endA L says (8:56 PM): I use Polymerization! Bubbleman + Bladedge!Byakk says (8:57 PM): It's about timeA L says (8:57 PM): Well? you gonna try and stop me?Byakk says (8:57 PM): Nope Miracle Fusion too?A L says (8:57 PM): For Main Phase 1, no. I still have 600LP, right?Byakk says (8:58 PM): YepA L says (8:58 PM): How much ATK does your GB have?Byakk says (8:58 PM): 3000A L says (8:58 PM): That's more than enough. ABSOLUTE ZERO ATTACKS YOUR GB FUSION!!Byakk says (8:58 PM): M'kA L says (8:58 PM): LP: 100A L says (8:59 PM): When Absolute Zero is removed from the field, regardless of the cause, all of my opponent's monsters are destroyedByakk says (8:59 PM): Gladiator Beast War Chariot Negates the effectA L says (8:59 PM): Sneaky bastard, aren't ya?A L says (9:00 PM): I'll let you in on a secret. Zero's not the only "Natural Hero" in my extra deck. Wanna see who the other is?Byakk says (9:00 PM): The Shining? idkA L says (9:00 PM): Damnit, quit spoiling things!Byakk says (9:00 PM): ololA L says (9:00 PM): You're a moment killer...A L says (9:01 PM): I end my turnByakk says (9:01 PM): I place a facedown And endA L says (9:02 PM): BOOYA!!! I summon E-hero Ice-Edge. Wait... You have a card to stop his effect, don't you?Byakk says (9:03 PM): 1 2 3 4 5 4 is Call of the Haunted, still face-upA L says (9:03 PM): Well, Ice-Edge only targets set S/T. Alright, I'll place one more facedown, and end my turn.A L says (9:04 PM): If you want to end the duel, now's your chance.Byakk says (9:04 PM): I suumon Equeste and end *summonA L says (9:04 PM): Chicken! I use the trap, Threatening Roar. That thing was being a burdenByakk says (9:04 PM): ... lolA L says (9:05 PM): You know what? No. I never lost a duel through Deck Destruction... AND I DON'T INTEND TO LOSE LIKE THAT NOW!!!Byakk says (9:06 PM): M'kA L says (9:06 PM): Ice-Edge attacks the GB fusion!!Byakk says (9:06 PM): Dimensional Prison Removes Ice Edge from play xDA L says (9:06 PM): Bastard... I end.Byakk says (9:07 PM): I place a facedown and endA L says (9:07 PM): By the way, I have a question. You wouldn't by chance be cheating, would you?Byakk says (9:07 PM): NopeA L says (9:07 PM): You sure?Byakk says (9:07 PM): YaA L says (9:08 PM): Because there's no way anyone could get the upper hand so quickly.Byakk says (9:08 PM): I have literally been doing nothing for the last 20 turns Allowing me to draw cards and gain advantageA L says (9:08 PM): I'm holding you to that.A L says (9:09 PM): I don't tolerate cheaters. Especially backstabbing/lying pig sorts.Byakk says (9:09 PM): Just goA L says (9:09 PM): I might as well submit. My S/T field is full, so I can't use Miracle Fusion. inb4potofgreedisbannedI still won anyway, right? Discuss E-Hero Fusion decktypes in general. Next time I should run Final Countdown... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thomas★Zero Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 now with dragon knight this with stardust/BRD/AFD with super poly/Miracle synchro fusion makes it bad ass Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
That Fat Guy Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 This guy is more comicbook than Spiderman I like the generic E-hero fusions, I think it gives them a chance. Guard Penalty, however, does not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenzoTheHarpist Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 I like how he tries to do the Jaden-style duel talk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
werewolfjedi Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 god your such a cat, playing with you food. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
burnpsy Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 That was funny. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
byak Posted March 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 god your such a cat' date=' playing with you food.[/quote'] :DIn the end, my backrow was Mirror Force, D-Prison, Shrink, COTH, and War Chariot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Wolf Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 Super Poly Heros ist awesome Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toffee. Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 This is just as epic as me dueling idiots on ROEBLEX. A L says (9:09 PM):I don't tolerate cheaters. Especially backstabbing/lying pig sorts. .........Whatisthisidonteven He uses Pot of Greed as his opening move' date=' and you even [i']let[/i] him randomly draw 3?Then how are YOU a cheater? >___> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flame Dragon Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 Generic E-Hero fusions are good. In fact I have a deck made around them in WC10. It's a lot of fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos Flame Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 E-heros are good because most are easily searchable, and the fusions are often versatile. Too bad they really cant keep up perfectly well with meta nowadays. The were fun way back when. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sephiroth_The_Legend Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 Little City is epic. Still, once the Shining and Great Tornado are released... i might run E-Heroes....they're looking fun all of a sudden. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toffee. Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 Little City is epic. Still' date=' once the Shining and Great Tornado are released... i might run E-Heroes....they're looking fun all of a sudden.[/quote'] Wc10 has Tornado and Shining =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyosuke Kiryu Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 I love you Byakk. That duel has made my day. Ahaha. I loved when he tried to attack with Ice Edge so he wouldn't deck out xD Chain D-Prison ftw! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Edglar Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 You cheated. R-Righteous Justice doesn't target until the resolution, due to the fact that the number of Face up Elemental Heros on the field could be different. Also, when asking the defense of Gyzarus, you must tell him. It is common knowledge, and if this were at an event, he could have called a judge and asked for the defense. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thomas★Zero Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 with generic heros I can see that Great Tornadeo may be one of the OCG promos in shining darkness due to tyrant neptune and the other card being from the same pack as it also generic heros with a bit of synchro usage can make Super poly techible like a good for attribute requirment and just a dragon type synchro. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manjoume Thunder Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 E-HERO /Assault Mode is boss. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thomas★Zero Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 E-HERO /Assault Mode is boss.Don't you mean Assault Hero's are Boss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
werewolfjedi Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 E-HERO /Assault Mode is boss. a generic assault mode would be epic actually, it wouldn't be as strong as the others, but the fact that basicly any synchro monster could be used to make it would make it worth a try, even if it didn't do much. assault mode golemlevel 10/EARTH/rock.2900 ATK/ 2500 DEFthis can not be normal or special summoned except by the effect of "assault mode activate!" and tributing any synchro monster you control. this monster may not leave the field unless it is destroyed by battle. when this monster is destroyed, special summon 1 synchro monster from your graveyard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manjoume Thunder Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 I am talking about the E-Hero deck that mains /Assault Mode. Lol. I think that someone posted his version here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
werewolfjedi Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 I am talking about the E-Hero deck that mains /Assault Mode. Lol. I think that someone posted his version here. sorry, killing zombies. wasn't paying enough atention. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thomas★Zero Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 I am talking about the E-Hero deck that mains /Assault Mode. Lol. I think that someone posted his version here. sorry' date=' killing zombies. wasn't paying enough atention.[/quote']looks like some one was playing left 4 dead shooting their pluagespreaders (BOOMERS) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
burnpsy Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 You cheated. R-Righteous Justice doesn't target until the resolution' date=' due to the fact that the number of Face up Elemental Heros on the field could be different. Also, when asking the defense of Gyzarus, you must tell him. It is common knowledge, and if this were at an event, he could have called a judge and asked for the defense.[/quote'] You're right about R, but wrong about the Defense argument. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.dek Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 it doesnt matter that he cheated, he let the guy use PoG, draw 3 cards, and did nothing for 20 turns, that completely makes up for it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
byak Posted March 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 I wouldn't call it cheating, more like a misplay. :S Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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