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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS Ancient Prophacy


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Name: Kate Fudo "The Sorceress"

Signer or Dark Signer: Signer (head)

Gendar: Female

Deck Type: dark fey

Strongest Monster: Mirror Dragon

Other: she can manipulate and see other people's auras. she is also Yusei's twin sister and Mirrior Dragon is Stardust Dragon's twin. did time in the Facility. she can also bring cards to life like Akiza.

Satellite or New Domino: Satellite

OOC: We need people to be new people and real characters from the show.



Kate: Kate walked down the dark, abandoned Satellite streets,"Yes. I know war is comming and we have to find them soon.", she whisperd. Just then her mark, the head of the Crimson Dragon glowed bright red and burned.

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ok, you're new here right?


if you're one, read other's fan fic before posting ur own, this gives you a basic understanding of how a fan fic should work


second, try not using anime characters as much as possible


third, dont write it in script format


finaly, I've decided to post a character since I think it's fun, but can you tell your readers the plot?

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ok' date=' you're new here right?


if you're one, read other's fan fic before posting ur own, this gives you a basic understanding of how a fan fic should work


second, try not using anime characters as much as possible


third, dont write it in script format


finaly, I've decided to post a character since I think it's fun, but can you tell your readers the plot?


A fandom tool' date=' which allows fans of books, tv shows, anime and the like to write about their favorite characters.[/quote']


jjackv2, personally, I'm gonna have to disagree with your second statement. While, yes, most fanfics on YCM may not use characters from the anime, no where does it say Auralady can't. If she can manage to portray the characters without going entirely OOC, then what's the harm?


Auralady, your story is... barely a paragraph. There's no much I can go off of here in order to comment effectively... I should be able to post an effective, helpful comment/review when more is written.

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Thanks for the reply and advice. This is just really a chance for big fans the TV show to create a character and insert themselves into the show. Its starting off before the Fortune Cup and its eventually going to work its way through the episodes. I might come up with something more creative later on but for now ther is this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think this is actually a fan-fic; if you're going to have everyone write a part of it, I'm assuming it's more of an RP, so I've moved it there.


(((If that's the case, then you must add rules and the Advanced Clause, and you have 24 hours to do so. If not, please PM me to tell me this is actually a story, and I'll move it back.)))

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