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Shinning Destruction. (Byond Deck)


Recommended Posts

Normal Monsters

Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Blue-Eyes White Dragon


Effect Monsters

Cyber Dragon

Cyber Dragon

Cyber Dragon

Freed the Brave Wonderer

Freed the Brave Wonderer






Kaiser Sea Horse

Kaiser Sea Horse

Magician of Faith

Morphing Jar

The Creator

The Creator

The Creator

The Creator Incarnate

The Creator Incarnate

The Creator Incarnate

Winged Kuriboh

Winged Kuriboh



Brain Control

Bright Castle

Bright Castle

Creature Swap

Creature Swap

Gold Sarcophagus

Heavy Storm



Lightning Vortex

Lightning Vortex

Luminous Spark

Luminous Spark

Mystical Space Typhoon

Premature Burial

Reinforcement of the Army

Reinforcement of the Army



Bottomless Trap Hole

Bottomless Trap Hole

Call of the Haunted

Magic Cylinder

Mirror Force

Solar Ray

Solar Ray

Trap Jammer


Fusion Monsters

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Chimeratech Overdragon

Chimeratech Overdragon

Chimeratech Overdragon

Cyber End Dragon

Cyber End Dragon

Cyber End Dragon

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon


I have this fusion deck because the opponent always could play Fusion gate

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can you make a deck with REAL TCG CARDS???



at leats with an strategy?


It has a strategy. Play the Creator and use him to special summon Blue-Eyes from the grave or honest from the grave them use his effect to ad him back to your hand and then you can use his effect to power up all the ligth monsters.

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