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Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament (KCVDS)

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I'm going to be hosting a Tournament using Kaiba Corporation Virtual Duel System (KCVDS).



1st: 10 free items from my shop

2nd: 5 free things from my shop


[spoiler="My Shop]Nulks Holo Shop and More



1. Signup deadline -To Be Announced

2. We will be using KCVDS 1.21 and the March 2010 ban list

3. No banned(forbidden cards).

4. You can only have 1 Limited or Semi limited card in your deck (Fusion,Synchro Monsters doesn't count)!

Note: You can have max 2 copies of the semi limited card (ex. 2 copies of Cyber Dragon)

5. No Side deck.

6. Your deck can consist of (max)50 cards(not more) - Fusion deck doesn't count in that number!

7. You'll only have 1 chance to win, once you lose - you're out!

8. You can't change your deck (You will play with one deck till the end)


If you dont have KCVDS heres the link.



If your interested in Joining post below

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I'm going to be hosting a Tournament using Kaiba Corporation Virtual Duel System (KCVDS).



1st: 10 free items from my shop

2nd: 5 free things from my shop


[spoiler="My Shop]Nulks Holo Shop and More



1. Signup deadline -To Be Announced

2. We will be using KCVDS 1.22 and the March 2010 ban list

3. No banned(forbidden cards).

4. You can only have 1 Limited or Semi limited card in your deck (Fusion' date='Synchro Monsters doesn't count)!

Note: You can have max 2 copies of the semi limited card (ex. 2 copies of Cyber Dragon)

5. No Side deck.

6. Your deck can consist of (max)50 cards(not more) - Fusion deck doesn't count in that number!

7. You'll only have 1 chance to win, once you lose - you're out!

8. You can't change your deck (You will play with one deck till the end)


If you dont have KCVDS heres the link.



If your interested in Joining post below


You can have 2 semi but no limited, or 1 limited and 1 semi, or 1 limited and 2 semi? I don't understand

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You can have 2 semi but no limited' date=' or 1 limited and 1 semi, or 1 limited and 2 semi? I don't understand



I believe he's saying you can only have 1 unique restricted card.


Of course, if its limited, you're only allowed 1.


If the restricted card is semi-limited, then you can use up to 2.


You can have up to two semi-limited cards, but they have to be of the same card only, not one of one semi, and one of another.

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You can have 2 semi but no limited' date=' or 1 limited and 1 semi, or 1 limited and 2 semi? I don't understand



I believe he's saying you can only have 1 unique restricted card.


Of course, if its limited, you're only allowed 1.


If the restricted card is semi-limited, then you can use up to 2.


You can have up to two semi-limited cards, but they have to be of the same card only, not one of one semi, and one of another.




Does it have to be 1.22 and why not 1.21



1.21 is what i ment thank you for pointing this out ^^

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