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Are Divine Attributes allowed now?

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hm I like that Lightsworns sig. Too bad I don't really like Lightsworns outside of Ehren and Ryko. I have meatphobia or something, so I don't like making meta decks x.o;


Also, is there any benefit to declaring Divine as your attribute? Also, does that mean we can get a Divine charmer now too? lol

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hm I like that Lightsworns sig. Too bad I don't really like Lightsworns outside of Ehren and Ryko. I have meatphobia or something' date=' so I don't like making meta decks x.o;

[/quote']I take it you're a vegetarian?


Anyway. Yes, DIVINE is an official attribute and can be declared by cards like Scroll of Bewitchment and DNA Transplant.

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hm I like that Lightsworns sig. Too bad I don't really like Lightsworns outside of Ehren and Ryko. I have meatphobia or something' date=' so I don't like making meta decks x.o;


Also, is there any benefit to declaring Divine as your attribute? Also, does that mean we can get a Divine charmer now too? lol



Clear World abuse?

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Yes but this is kind of new to me because from the start that i have been playing Yu-Gi-Oh i haven't faced a Divine in battle,and thank you Darkwolf777 i guess it is a pretty good sig and if you like at least Ryko and Ehren why don't you join my Lightsworn club just click on the banner and there it is,and another thing i agree with you Ehren and Ryko are the best decks to put in almost any deck because they have effects that helps in other decks as well.

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Also' date=' does that mean we can get a Divine charmer now too? lol



I would love that :3.


But anyway, by now I guess you can declare Divine-Beast or DIVINE with cards like the DNA's, Scroll of Bewitchment, etc. But I see no real point until the Divine-Beast Type and DIVINE Attribute gets support, which I doubt it will.

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Also' date=' does that mean we can get a Divine charmer now too? lol



I would love that :3.


But anyway, by now I guess you can declare Divine-Beast or DIVINE with cards like the DNA's, Scroll of Bewitchment, etc. But I see no real point until the Divine-Beast Type and DIVINE Attribute gets support, which I doubt it will.

Genex Deus Ex Machina

Machine/Synchro/DIVINE/10 Stars

1 "Genex" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner DIVINE monster(s)

When this card is Synchro Summoned, Special Summon as many monsters fom either player's Graveyard to your field as possible. This card can attack your opponent directly.

ATK/4000 DEF/4000


Oh yes please! <3

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I alredy checked it out and it isn't that bad,do you know the real effect of Ra?It was in Stardust Accelaretor.It's effects were the same only the Life Point Effect could only be activated when it was Special Summoned and it was destroyed during the End Phase if it was Specila Summoned.Does that explain why it's cool that they at least put Ra into legal form?

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I alredy checked it out and it isn't that bad' date='do you know the real effect of Ra?It was in Stardust Accelaretor.It's effects were the same only the Life Point Effect could only be activated when it was Special Summoned and it was destroyed during the End Phase if it was Specila Summoned.Does that explain why it's cool that they at least put Ra into legal form?



i know, the version they had floating around in the game for years was fine, and we are to likley lose it to nerfed ultra chicken

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This card cannot be Special Summoned. You must Tribute 3 monsters to Normal Summon this card (You cannot Set this card). The Normal Summon of this card cannot be negated. When this card is Normal Summoned' date=' the effect of Spells, Traps and Effect Monster other than this card cannot be activated. If this card is Normal Summoned, you can pay Life Points so that you have 100 left to have this card gain ATK and DEF equal to the amount paid. Also, you can pay 1000 Life Points to select and destroy 1 monster on the field.[/quote']


Note that it doesn't even get ATK from the tributed monsters anymore...

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