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1st attempt at a banner. (Its a Bioshock one to !!


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Congratulations, you have learned how to use a focal. You also seem to have a very rudimentary grasp on flow. Veeeeeeeeery rudimentary.


The line are horrible. Flow should follow the natural flow of the render (in this case, Big Daddy's arm is raised, and his drill is lowered, giving the render some vertical flow). The viewer's eye should naturally follow the lines to the render, past the render, and back around to the render again, in a continuous motion.


While centering the render is a very good way to attract attention to it (as the eye tends to zero in on the center of anything we look at), it often puts too much focus, and keeps the eye from being able to travel over the whole piece.


Color-wise, dark colors tend to appear further back, while bright ones come forward. Such as, typically you want your background at least as dark (or darker) than your render (contrasting colors is another great way to make your render "pop" to the foreground).


Text is incredibly hard to integrate successfully into a tag, so I suggest you just leave off it for now.

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