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Rekindling just got a new tuner target [Laval Enchantress of the Flamed Woodland]

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ATK/DEF: 300/200

When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard' date=' increase the ATK of face-up "Laval" monsters you control by 200 Points for every "Laval" monster in your Graveyard until the End Phase.




Personally, I'm liking the Laval so far. Granted there are only 3 shown as of yet, but I really like this card.



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ATK/DEF: 300/200

When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard' date=' increase the ATK of face-up "Laval" monsters you control by 200 Points for every "Laval" monster in your Graveyard until the End Phase.




Personally, I'm liking the Laval so far. Granted there are only 3 shown as of yet, but I really like this card.




if they get more, this will be an interesting card to see played, but what are the point of the laval monsters as far as you can tell?


did you say this thing is a tuner?

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The best part about Rekindling?


It doesn't get negated by Necrovally.


Because necrovally is a threat?


The best part of it is that you can lose a LOT of card advantage to a better player or better hand then topdeck it and win games.

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The best part about Rekindling?


It doesn't get negated by Necrovally.


This may only apply to the TCG.


First, just to get it out of the way, Rekindling does not target. The number of monsters you Special Summon with Rekindling cannot be determined until it resolves. You special summon "as many as you can". Monsters are chosen at resolution, not at activation, so it doesn't target.


In the OCG, according to the wikia, Necrovalley will negate any effect that affects cards that are in the Graveyard, whether or not they target. This will negate Rekindling's effect of Special Summoning them from the Graveyard.


In the TCG, according to the wikia, the difference from the OCG is that if the card does not target cards in the Graveyard, then it can work even when Necrovalley is on the field. Since Rekindling does not target, this may work in the TCG.

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The best part about Rekindling?


It doesn't get negated by Necrovally.


This may only apply to the TCG.


First' date=' just to get it out of the way, Rekindling does not target. The number of monsters you Special Summon with Rekindling cannot be determined until it resolves. You special summon "as many as you can". Monsters are chosen at resolution, not at activation, so it doesn't target.


In the OCG, according to the wikia, Necrovalley will negate any effect that affects cards that are in the Graveyard, whether or not they target. This will negate Rekindling's effect of Special Summoning them from the Graveyard.


In the TCG, according to the wikia, the difference from the OCG is that if the card does not target cards in the Graveyard, then it can work even when Necrovalley is on the field. Since Rekindling does not target, this may work in the TCG.



<3 TCG atm.... hope it stays that way

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