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Sun & Moon Dragons

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Sorry if this is in the wrong place mods, feel free to move it or lock it with a notification on where i should put it.


So lately I've been making decks that are either inconsistend or just to slow, now it could be that it's because the decks aren't strong enough or that i'm not "good" enough to make the deck work.


What I do know is that I get excited and start trading for the cards, then afther i'm done I realize that the deck sucks (be it me or the deck itself). Now I never have a real loss with trading but it's just that the energy that i put in is a great wast.


So before I go off on another energy spilling journey i would like to ask to the "pro players" here if the Sun & Moon Dragons are or can be a good decktype that can (maybe) stand up to Tier 1 deck.


So please discuss these 2 cards and in combination with what deck or other card they would work in the current meta.






Sorry for my bad english.

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You can get both out in one turn' date=' but it requires some prior set-up. Still, that's the only way they work.


They need Vice Dragon to be [i']officially printed[/i].


Well all the requiered monsters can be get back by Limit Reverse and sangan can also be used.


I was thinking about 3x Limit Reverse and 3x Magical Merchant.

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If not for the required tuners they would be pretty good.


Yeah i guess the tuners aren't all that good but with oracle of the sun / cyber dragon/The Tricky i think it would be pretty easy to get the synchro's out.


Also the ant works with creature swap i guess :p.


They need Vice Dragon to be officially printed.


Amon to that. Vice Dragon will do so much good.

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Is Quilla abusable with Book of Moon?


I believe he can' date=' as soon as he is selected as a attack target his effect goes in and BoM can be activated in multiple steps then the "attack declaration" step


Amon to that. Vice Dragon will do so much good.


Why is that?


And so there is no way that they can be consistent?

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Amon to that. Vice Dragon will do so much good.


Why is that?


And so there is no way that they can be consistent?


Vice Dragon/CyDra/Oracle of the Sun/The Tricky -> CotH/Limit Reverse/Graceful Revival for Supay -> Sync for Quilla -> Level Eater -> Normal Summon Anscator -> Sync for Inti


You need Vice Dragon/CyDra/Oracle/Tricky and Anscator in hand, Limit Reverse/CotH/Graceful on the field from the previous turn, and Supay + Level Eater in the grave.

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Amen to that. Vice Dragon will do so much good.


Why is that?


And so there is no way that they can be consistent?


Vice Dragon/CyDra/Oracle of the Sun/The Tricky -> CotH/Limit Reverse/Graceful Revival for Supay -> Sync for Quilla -> Level Eater -> Normal Summon Ascator -> Sync for Inti


You need Vice Dragon/CyDra/Oracle/Tricky and Anscator in hand' date=' Limit Reverse/CotH/Graceful on the field from the previous turn, and Supay + Level Eater in the grave.



Which is doable by the second turn. An alternate for the first turn would to SS Vice Dragon/CyDra/Oracle/Tricky, play 141 and drop Eater for Supay. You get the rest.


Also, remember Descending Lost Star? If you bring back Quilla with that, she's Level 5.

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Oki I see, but what i think seems to the problem is not that they need specifiek tuners but that the tuners suck. The have nothing in common and have almost no support going for them.




Edit: I have read somewhere that you don't need tuners to summon them, just a monster with either the name Supay or Red Ant *coughPoCcough*

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There's no ruling against using PoC in either of the pages on wikia' date=' so I'm guessing it's safe.



When "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther" or "Phantom of Chaos" has its name changed to "Junk Synchron"' date=' you can only use it as a Synchro Material Monster for "Junk Warrior" if it becomes a Tuner monster with "Lightwave Tuning".


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They didn't actually rule that there has to be a tuner monster' date=' so this combo works until it gets ruled on =P



You're actually wrong here. If you read into what they said there, it turns into "There MUST be a Tuner involved."


Rule of precedent. If Junk Warrior is ruled like that, we're to assume that all similar enough scenarios work the same.

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They didn't actually rule that there has to be a tuner monster' date=' so this combo works until it gets ruled on =P



You're actually wrong here. If you read into what they said there, it turns into "There MUST be a Tuner involved."


Rule of precedent. If Junk Warrior is ruled like that, we're to assume that all similar enough scenarios work the same.


Sounds about right, thx.


So what support (giant rat, limit reverse) do the tuners have that could help the loop?

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They didn't actually rule that there has to be a tuner monster' date=' so this combo works until it gets ruled on =P



You're actually wrong here. If you read into what they said there, it turns into "There MUST be a Tuner involved."


Rule of precedent. If Junk Warrior is ruled like that, we're to assume that all similar enough scenarios work the same.


Sounds about right, thx.


So what support (giant rat, limit reverse) do the tuners have that could help the loop?


Oracle of the Sun helps search both of the Tuners. Apocatequil and Supay search Oracle. Red Ant Ascator pretends to revive Oracle. It's a tightly knit and small group of support, but it works.


Now,Inti on its own has huge ATK and a decent effect, and Quilla is OK as well. The trick is (obviously) to use the semi-loop that Rex had going in the anime: have one on the field and one in the Graveyard. They DON'T have to be on the field at the same time, and obviously that would be pretty difficult.


Each Dragon is easy to summon (assuming you have the proper Tuner) - SS Oracle/CyDra/Tricky and summon your Tuner. Instant Synchro. Apocatequil works as well, as it becomes Level 5 if you control a Tuner, but it can't SS itself.


Also, yes, Giant Rat and Limit Reverse are probably good for this kind of Deck. Shining Angel might be useful if you choose to include Oracle of the Sun. Sangan would be good as well.


Just a little thought, but I bet there's something you could use Level Stealer for in this kind of deck. Not sure, though.

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