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Dueling Philosophy: A Game of Money?

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I was talking to a friend of mine the other day. He was over at my house and noticed my binder filled with Yu-Gi-Oh cards. He wonder if he could have a look, I went ahead and let him. He commented on the mass amount of cards I have. Then after a bit of an awkward silence, he said this to me:


"Sam, I used to play this game a lot when it first came out. Mostly I played with my friends and close family members. After the game got some major popularity, I went ahead and participated in local tournaments. That's where I stopped playing. You see, I was blown away at the rarity of the cards they collected. Some of those cards I didn't know existed. And they defeated me time after time with those rare cards. Those defeats made me think. And then it hit me. 'It's a game of money.' The best cards in the best decks can only be had by those willing to pay to the highest bidder. That's why you never see any poor sods like me in major tournaments. I don't have enough money, so I can't play the game. You're lucky. You have parents who are willing to pay for you to play. Unlike me."


It got me to thinking myself. Is this true? What he said racked my mind. I never really thought about that ever since I started dueling.


I'm curious. How many of you think my friend's philosophy is true?

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I was talking to a friend of mine the other day. He was over at my house and noticed my binder filled with Yu-Gi-Oh cards. He wonder if he could have a look' date=' I went ahead and let him. He commented on the mass amount of cards I have. Then after a bit of an awkward silence, he said this to me:


"Sam, I used to play this game a lot when it first came out. Mostly I played with my friends and close family members. After the game got some major popularity, I went ahead and participated in local tournaments. That's where I stopped playing. You see, I was blown away at the rarity of the cards they collected. Some of those cards I didn't know existed. And they defeated me time after time with those rare cards. Those defeats made me think. And then it hit me. 'It's a game of money.' The best cards in the best decks can only be had by those willing to pay to the highest bidder. That's why you never see any poor sods like me in major tournaments. I don't have enough money, so I can't play the game. You're lucky. You have parents who are willing to pay for you to play. Unlike me."


It got me to thinking myself. Is this true? What he said racked my mind. I never really thought about that ever since I started dueling.


I'm curious. How many of you think my friend's philosophy is true?




who cares about money... i dont think you need the best and the newest cards. i think you have any cards in any deck you can win.

it isnt about money.

my opinin is with any deck of cards you can beat any opponent.

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... You are new.

So here's an example from us good 'ol Americans:


Structures/Starters/SE's cost around 10$

Tins cost around 20$

Packs cost 5$ each w/ 9 cards in each of them

~One of which will be a rare or higher

~unless there is a secret rare in said pack


Single cards on the webz will vary widely, much like actual products. If something is highly sought after and hard to find, obviously it'll cost more, like how Vayu was at 30-40$ last format. It's common sense. More people want it = cost goes up. Less people want it = cost goes down.




tl;dr version: Welcome to the meta. Take it or leave it

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No the game is not about money...

It is just that while better and consistent a deck is the rarer and expensive their cards become...that's the way the move along and then this is when card gaming invest tonz of money while the different builds changes their structures uses new cards and they get overused price go up..........


At least that's the way i see it.........

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Ive spent 80 on this game, and from selling cards, ive made 90-120, so it balances out, plus, if you do things right, you can be prosperous(however you spell that), cause I'm 14 and my parents won't spend a dime on this game, yet I have a DAD, Plague, JD etc...

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my most recent deck that i won locals with cost me next to nothing to build. and it beat all those "xpensive" decks.


certain decktypes are more expensive than others, for sure, look at Lightsworn for instance.

but that usually equates to the deck being very consistent and is tier 1 worthy... cheaper decks arent any worse but usually suffer from incosistency.

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my most recent deck that i won locals with cost me next to nothing to build. and it beat all those "xpensive" decks.


certain decktypes are more expensive than others' date=' for sure, look at Lightsworn for instance.

but that usually equates to the deck being very consistent and is tier 1 worthy... cheaper decks arent any worse but usually suffer from incosistency.



Less consistent is a part of "worse".

And yes, we have problems with not going bankrupt, but that's a different story >_>

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I almost forgot that most other countries actually got hit by a significant recession. xD


Anyways, yeah... Almost anything decent that falls under entertainment and hobbies will cost at least $30. You can even shave some of that price off by going to the internet, where Structure Decks cost $8.95 a piece. For most, $30 is no issue.

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I can have every card in the game for $0, why would I pay?

YVD/WC10/DMG > IRL dueling in my situation, so the game is indefinitely free.


And trust me, there's a lot of free/cheaper entertainment that's perfectly good, it's just not advertised because paying for that would incur a cost.

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I can have every card in the game for $0' date=' why would I pay?

YVD/WC10/DMG > IRL dueling [i']in my situation[/i], so the game is indefinitely free.


I look at online dueling the same way I look at ROMs. Just plain cheating a company out of well-earned money. Whether you'd be able to play without it or not is irrelevant.

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I see it as a viable way to have fun with Xabers without having to hand out $240 or something stupid for a playset of Emmersblade, just to watch them fall in price at some other point. IMO, it gets rid of meaningless restrictions on your dueling and helps you find opponents, nothing more.

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