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Token Vending Machine

shadow wind

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Name:Token vending machine




attack:1500 defence:2000


Lore:This card cannot be summoned or set, this card can only be summoned by tributing a level 5 or lower monster.When this card is summoned special summon a "Snack" token(s)(EARTH/Plant/level1/ATK 500/DEF 500) in defence position for the level of the monster tributed to summon this card.Once per turn you can tribute a "Snack" token to inflict "500" damage to your opponent.

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Token Vending Machine is Underpowered' date=' all it does is create tokens when it is Tribute Summoned, give it another effect.



Fine, how about this....


Name:Token vending machine




attack:1500 defence:2000


Lore:This card cannot be summoned or set, this card can only be summoned by tributing a level 5 or lower monster.When this card is summoned special summon a "Snack" token(s)(EARTH/Plant/level1/ATK 500/DEF 500) in defence position for the level of the monster tributed to summon this card.When a "Snack" token is destroyed, this card gain "500" attack points



Oh and here is snack token


Name: Snack token



level: 1

attack: 500 defence: 500


Lore: this card can only be summoned by the effect of "Token vending machine". Once per turn you can tribute this card to gain

"500" life points.

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